Obama Administration

The Obama Administration And Fox “News” Channel

It is very pleasing to see the Obama Administration going on the offensive against Fox “News” Channel, which is declared by spokesmen for the President as the Fox “Opinion” Channel.

This is an absolutely correct description of the nature of that channel, which makes no effort to be fair or balanced, although they claim to be just that.

Fox has worked to promote the failure of the Obama Presidency, almost as if they are in league with Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly and other so called journalists on their channel, plus the radio tirades of Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, and others who are out just to enrich themselves, and do not care about journalistic standards.

It is sad that this kind of disgraceful behavior masquerades as news, but I call upon the President and his supporters to continue to work to undermine any respect that this channel has.

Even if Fox gets a sizable audience at times, it is a bad reflection on those who swear by the channel, as it shows a lack of judgment and fairness. Hate and division are not the answer to our problems, but rather CONSTRUCTIVE criticism which is certainly welcome, but which we will obviously never find on Fox!

The Public Option For Health Insurance Is Essential!

There are hints coming from the Obama Administration that they might settle for non profit coops to create competition for the health insurance industry, in lieu of a “public option”, where the government competes with private enterprise for those who are least able to afford health insurance costs.

The argument is that the Senate will NOT go along with a public option, while the House will not go along with any legislation that does not have a public option.

This is a defining moment for the Obama plans for health care, and it is indeed a tough issue, but I think the President has to use the prestige of his office and start to act like Lyndon Johnson–be aggressive and take the view that this is the best time to get health care reform through, and that he should not concern himself with whether or not the Republicans will go along or support a plan.

The “blue dog” Democrats in the House must be read the “riot act” and the more conservative Democrats in the Senate informed that this is a question of a once in a generation opportunity for fundamental change, and that therefore the fight must go on for real change.

Yes, abortion, illegal immigrants and clearcut declaration that so called “death panels” will NOT be part of the legislation is essential. Also, cost controls to avoid adding to the national debt long term is also necessary.

This is a time to FIGHT, not give in to the corporations and the conservatives who are propagandizing to destroy the need for health care reform. America deserves better!