Florida Congressional Reapportionment

Present Estimate of 220-215 Republican Control Of House Of Representatives!

As I write this entry, the estimate is that the Republican Party may have control of the US House of Representatives by the razor thin margin of 220-215, a three seat edge!

And if that occurs, or even a few more Republican seats are added, the reason it will have happened is the loss of four New York State congressional districts due to court intervention preventing a Democratic reapportionment set up, and the power play by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who promoted a more extreme plan for congressional district reapportionment, creating a four seat gain in the Sunshine State!

It is clear that IF the Republicans do gain control, by whatever small margin of seats, that chaos and anarchy will rule, and nothing productive will be done in the next two years!

Kevin McCarthy also is on a scenario where if he is Speaker of the House, with the power of the House Republican Freedom Caucus, he might wish he was NOT Speaker of the House!