Day: December 8, 2020

Public Education Gains By Leaving Of Betsy DeVos As Secretary Of Education, A Total Disaster!

One of the many blessings of the upcoming end of the Donald Trump Presidency is the leaving of Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education.

Easily the absolutely worst Secretary of Education America has ever witnessed, there is a case for investigation of Betsy DeVos to be prosecuted for her illegal and unethical actions in that post.

This woman is evil and has no conscience in her efforts to destroy public education in favor of private and religious schools.

She has undermined transgender student rights, students of color, and survivors of college campus sexual assault. She also encouraged corrupt for profit colleges over traditional universities. She blocked the discharging of student loan debt for borrowers who were defrauded by unscrupulous lenders.

As an evangelical Christian, she overlooked the needs of Public Schools to promote religious education at the expense of poor, inner city schools.

Outrageously, she diverted COVID 19 Pandemic funds to private and religious schools rather than public schools and colleges. She proved to be a friend of the elite rich over the average working class person, and came across as tone deaf and incompetent, if not corrupt, but that needs to be investigated upon her departure.

All those who care or are involved in public education, including this blogger, are relieved she is leaving, and whoever is the next Secretary of Education is insured to be a great improvement, and we know that Dr. Jill Biden, the incoming First Lady and public educator herself, will be sure to be in the discussion on who that person shall be!