Robert Byrd Of West Virginia

In June And September, We Are About To Have 90 Year Old Senators For Only 5th And 6th Time In American History!

In the next four months, we are about to have 90 year old Senators in office for only the 5th and 6th time in American history!

Attention is being brought to this reality because California Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein, who will be 90 on June 22, has returned to Washington DC after three months away, recuperating from Shingles. But even before this recent bout with illness, it was clear to many observers that Feinstein was in mental decline since 2019, a year after she ran for another six year term at age 85.

Iowa Republican Senator Chuck Grassley, who will be 90 on September 17, just was elected to another six year term in 2022 at the age of 89. It must be said that Grassley seems in fine physical and mental shape despite his age, but the concept that if he finishes the term in early January 2029 that he will be past 95 years of age, is mind boggling! If he finishes his term, he will be the second oldest Senator in American History!

Only four US Senators have been in office in their 90s, including

Republican Senator Strom Thurmond of South Carolina who reached 100 years of age in office, retired, and died a half year later.

Democratic Senator Theodore F. Green of Rhode Island reached 93 years of age in office, retired, and lived to age 98.

Democratic Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia reached 92 and a half years of age, dying in office.

Democratic Senator Carl Hayden of Arizona left office past the age of 91 and died three years later at age 94.