Reverend C L Bryant

Why Do Black Republican Conservatives Need To Be So Confrontational And Vicious Toward First Black President Barack Obama?

There is something about black Republican conservatives that makes them be horribly confrontational and vicious in their attitude toward our first black President, Barack Obama.

So we have the examples of the following, who accuse the Democrats of promoting a “plantation mentality”, and condemn welfare, food stamps, gay rights, Planned Parenthood and other programs and groups, which they claim “enslave” black Americans:

Former Congressman Allen West of Florida, now gracing Fox News Channel as a contributor
South Carolina Senator Tim Scott
Dr. Benjamin Carson, renowned surgeon who has flirted with running for President
Herman Cain, past GOP Presidential contender
Star Parker, syndicated columnist for Scripps-Howard newspapers
Bishop E. W. Jackson, Lieutenant Governor nominee in Virginia
Mackubin Thomas Owens, Professor at US Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island
C. Mason Weaver, Radio Talk Show Host
Reverend C. L. Bryant, Tea Party activist and Fox News contributor

Meanwhile, 90 percent of African Americans, including many in the growing black middle class, embrace the Democrats, and most are not looking for “handouts’ or “freebies”, and are insulted by the decision of these people above to spew such hatred and venom, and to undermine all of the good that is being done by our 44th President!