Remote Education

Schools Should Not Reopen With CoronaVirus Pandemic Raging In Much Of America!

It is sadly clear that President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos and other Trump Administration figures have no concern about the potential loss of human life in this CoronaVirus Pandemic.

All that they are concerned about is the reelection of Donald Trump, so to hell with senior citizens, children, and everyone in between!

They have never shown concern for human life, ironic for an administration and a Republican Party that is called “Pro Life”, but only really for women to be forced to have children when they become pregnant, forcing women to be parents after working to deny contraceptives to avoid pregnancy, and working to destroy abortion rights permitted under Roe V Wade in 1973.

So what the Republican Party means is protect every fetus, but once that fetus is born, to hell with any government responsibility to protect life and health, as they work to deny millions of Americans basic health care, as they have been on a ten year mission to destroy ObamaCare, the Affordable Care Act, without offering any alternative!

When Betsy DeVos talks about a “low” level of victims among children from potential infection of CoronaVirus, she is saying that some human lives, of any age group, are dispensable!

What a damned nerve of a super wealthy woman who never went to public school in her life, has never known anything but privilege, and has shown no concern for public education or children!

If some human lives are dispensable, how about her life, that of her super wealthy, privileged family?

And while we are at judging that some people’s lives and deaths, including children, are acceptable as statistics, why not Donald Trump, his children and grandchildren, instead of ordinary Americans who are now struggling in the midst of a second Great Depression, with no empathy or sympathy or consideration by the disgusting First Family, all of them!

While this pandemic is expanding, no way should schools reopen as normal, despite the reality that remote education is not preferable if conditions were normal, but they are far from that!

It is difficult on parents who need to work and have tight circumstances regarding physical space and the need to educate, but no one ever said being a parent is meant to be easy. Millions of people will suffer in this coming school year in many ways, but above all, survival and good health come first!