LBJ And The Great Society

Joe Biden Hits A Grand Slam Homerun, And Tim Scott Strikes Out!

President Joe Biden hit a grand slam homerun last night in his speech before a joint session of Congress, but with only 200 members present due to the COVID 19 Pandemic.

Anyone who watched and listened knows he gave a sensational speech, and this author is disgusted with those critics who claim Biden is demented, and has early Alzheimers, when he gave his speech with a great delivery, and has never in office shown any signs of such a condition, other than an occasional stutter, a problem that he had as a young man, and can revive as one gets older.

Biden has grand plans that will be difficult to accomplish as compared to Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lyndon B, Johnson, as both Presidents had massive Democratic margins when they were President, and promoting the New Deal and Great Society.

The belief is that Biden will accomplish more than any President in domestic affairs in the last half century, however, and vast margins of public opinion in the 60s range supports such efforts.

Meanwhile, the Republican party opposition thought they would do well with the only African American Republican Senator, Tim Scott, giving the response to the President’s address. But clearly, Tim Scott struck out, and came across as totally pitiful in his response, making us realize how mediocre a Senator and a political leader that he is.

Scott may be needed for any kind of criminal justice reform, but he is not to be regarded as a serious person for national leadership, although there are rumors that he might seek the Presidency in 2024.

Based on last night’s mediocre, at best, response to President Biden, any possible plans to run for President, on Scott’s part, likely have been derailed!