John Podesta

Kash Patel’s “Deep State” List For Prosecution: Dire Threat To American Democracy!

Donald Trump’s nominee for FBI head, Kash Patel, is a danger to American democracy, and would revive the bad, abusive record of J. Edgar Hoover from 1924-1972.

The FBI was reformed after Hoover’s passing, and the ten year term of service was designed to take the organization out of politics, but now Trump wants this evil man, who talks about the “deep state”, to begin prosecution of a long list of political, government, and media leaders.

This is outrageous, and endangers the nation dramatically if this unqualified and dangerous man is given power to do what he wants.

Among those he wishes to prosecute (of a longer list) are the following 25 individuals:

Joe Biden
Kamala Harris
Hillary Clinton
James Comey
John Brennan
John Bolton
Bill Barr
Lloyd Austin
Mark Esper
Merrick Garland
Gina Haspel
Eric Holder
Cassidy Hutchinson
Andrew McCabe
General Mark Milley
Lisa Monaco
Robert Mueller
John Podesta
Samantha Power
Rod Rosenstein
Jake Sullivan
Miles Taylor
Alexander Vindman
Christopher Wray
Sally Yates

These are Democrats, Republicans, intelligence officials, Justice Department officials, people who exposed the corruption of Donald Trump, and others who were concerned about abuses of power under Trump.

The fact that the FBI appointment is a ten year term, not just while a President is in office, makes this nomination the most dangerous of all of Trump’s appointments, and must be fought bitterly to prevent Patel from accomplishing his evil intentions!

White House Chief Of Staff Ron Klain A True Star!

The position of White House Chief of Staff, the person closest to the President on a daily basis, has existed since the Truman Presidency after World War II.

Some have lasted very short times in that position; some have proved to be disasters; and a small number have turned out to be exceptional in their dedication to progress under their Presidents.

The true disasters include:

Sherman Adams under Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953-1958)
H. R. Haldeman under Richard Nixon (1969-1973)
Donald Rumsfeld under Gerald Ford (1974-1975)
Dick Cheney under Gerald Ford (1975-1977)
Hamilton Jordan under Jimmy Carter (1979-1980)
Donald Regan under Ronald Reagan (1985-1987)
Reince Priebus under Donald Trump (six months in 2017)
Mark Meadows under Donald Trump (2020-2021)

The success stories include:

Kenneth O’Donnell under John F. Kennedy (1961-1963)
James Baker under Ronald Reagan (1981-1985)
Howard Baker under Ronald Reagan (1987-1988)
John Sununu under George H. W. Bush (1989-1991)
Leon Panetta under Bill Clinton (1994-1997)
Erskine Bowles under Bill Clinton (1997-1998)
John Podesta under Bill Clinton (1998-2001)
Andrew Card under George W. Bush (2001-2005)
Denis McDonough under Barack Obama (2013-2017)
John F. Kelly under Donald Trump ((2017-2019)
Ron Klain under Joe Biden (2021- )

When one looks at these lists, it is clear that Ron Klain stands out as one of the top few White House Chiefs of Staff of all time, with Kenneth O’Donnell, James Baker, Leon Panetta, Andrew Card, and Denis McDonough also on the list of the best!