Iowa Caucuses 2024

Donald Trump’s Massive Iowa Caucus Win Demonstrates Threat To Nation!

For anyone who believes in principle and common decency, last night’s massive Iowa Caucus win of Donald Trump demonstrates the dire threat the nation faces in 2024.

With Ron DeSantis ending up second, ahead of Nikki Haley, it seems clear that Donald Trump is on the way to a landslide nomination, as he is clearly a juggernaut that, seemingly, cannot be stopped, as he won 98 of 99 counties in Iowa and 51 percent of the vote.

Nikki Haley has only one state, New Hampshire, where it seems that she might be able to triumph, but even there, it is not assured, and beyond that, nothing is likely to stop Donald Trump.

The idea that a twice impeached, four times indicted and 91 counts and four trials facing Trump could perform so strongly is mind boggling.

The idea that this dangerous man who has threatened retribution and revenge, and makes clear his plans to be a dictator on Day One, and evokes language of Mussolini and Hitler, is a threat to the nation and the world, makes it clear that America is in a massive constitutional crisis, equivalent of what happened in 1861, when the nation faced the Civil War!