General Stanley McChrystal

Death Of Journalist Michael Hastings At Age 33 A Loss Of Massive Proportions!

It was a shock to discover yesterday that journalist Michael Hastings, age 33, the person who exposed General Stanley McChrystal’s open criticism of President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, forcing his retirement from the military, had been killed in an horrific auto accident in Los Angeles.

A journalist for Rolling Stone and Buzz Feed, Hastings had reported from Iraq and Afghanistan, and was a man of courage and convictions, and the author of two books on public affairs. It is ironic that he avoided harm in both wars, and was killed in Los Angeles by a traffic accident.

Hastings represented the best in journalism, true muckraking, exposing people in power for their short comings. The potential of his future contributions is impossible to measure! This death really has shaken the journalism community, and the author as well!

Proper Move By Obama, Replacing McChrystal With Petraeus, But Now Listen To Joe Biden On Afghanistan!

President Obama this afternoon did the absolutely proper thing, when he dismissed General Stanley McChrystal as head of American and NATO forces in Afghanistan, and replaced him with his superior, the head of Central Command in the Middle East, General David Petraeus!

No military leader can be allowed to be disrespectful to the President of the United States, as civilian command over the military is paramount in our system of government! McChrystal’s insubordination, on top of his coverup of the “friendly fire” death of Pat Tillman, the football player who volunteered to fight in Afghanistan, required his dismissal, as no General is indispensable! ๐Ÿ™

Petraeus is an excellent alternative, although it adds to his total burden, being in both positions, so one wonders if he will keep the head of Central Command for long, or whether someone else will eventually become the head of forces in Afghanistan, once things settle down!

In any case, Obama took the right step, but now he needs to go one step further, and have the courage to do what his Vice President, Joe Biden, a foreign policy specialist in his 36 years in the Senate, has been advocating!

Biden has been the loyal partner, not complaining that Obama chose to escalate US involvement in Afghanistan, but Biden is still advocating that we rapidly withdraw troops a year from now, to keep with Obama’s date of starting to remove our combat soldiers!

Biden has not been afraid to contradict Petraeus on the need to have rapid withdrawal next year! It is obvious the battle for the heart and mind of President Obama continues on this issue!

With so many problems at home, and such a big budget deficit, we need to lay down plans to withdraw, and not only save hundreds of billions of dollars annually, but also the lives of our courageous troops!

President Obama, the author has stated this before, and says it again! We need to get out of Afghanistan, a cemetery for the British and the Soviet Union, and fight terrorism in other ways! Listen to Joe Biden, as he is a brilliant man who knows what he is talking about! And realize the fact that McChrystal’s ridicule of Biden should be seen for what it is: McChrystal is not to be respected, as he has attacked the man who, in many ways, makes your Presidency better than it could have been with anyone else in the Vice Presidency!

Joe Biden should be respected and listened to, as he has the proper perspective and insights, and he is there to support you and back you up! He is an jewel of unlimited value! ๐Ÿ™‚

General Stanley McChrystal Must Be Fired, President Obama! :(

As if President Obama did not have enough to deal with on a daily basis, now General Stanley McChrystal, in charge of the war in Afghanistan, has created new problems for him! ๐Ÿ™

McChrystal, long rumored to lack basic diplomatic skills, was stupid enough to vent his frustrations with officials in the government in an interview about to be published in Rolling Stone Magazine!

Just the fact that McChrystal would lack the intelligence and common sense to avoid making public criticisms of the President, the Vice President, the US Ambassador to Afghanistan, the National Security Adviser, and the Special Representative to Afghanistan, is enough reason to fire him immediately as the military leader in the Afghan War! ๐Ÿ™

No general is indispensable, and in the past, when generals have defied the President in wartime or peacetime with their lack of respect for the Commander in Chief, they have been summarily dismissed!

The most famous case is General Douglas MacArthur and President Harry Truman during the Korean War. But also, General George McClellan was dismissed by President Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War. Also, generals were dismissed for lack of respect and decorum by Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, and even President George W. Bush dismissed generals who were not “part of the team” in their privately expressed thoughts on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan!

No President can tolerate disloyalty in the military, which if they engage in “politics”, giving ammunition to the critics of the President and his administration, make the burden of the Presidency all the greater!

No matter what McChrystal says in his upcoming Oval Office meeting before Obama and his top military and civilian advisers, he has lost the confidence of the top leadership, simply by his poor judgment!

If he has any decency left, he should resign and retire immediately, but if he lacks the courage and guts to do what is appropriate, then Obama MUST fire him with a severe reprimand statement! ๐Ÿ™

And the fact that conservatives and Republicans will back McChrystal, and be emboldened by his defiance and arrogance, is no reason for the President to back down! This is a moment to show the critics that he will not tolerate disloyalty, as indeed no President should have to face!

Obama is the Commander in Chief whether Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Ann Coulter and other right wingers wants to acknowledge it! Whether Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Eric Cantor, John McCain and others support McChrystal is of no importance, as it would only reflect badly on them! ๐Ÿ™

President Obama, show everyone, including the critics, who is in charge, and to hell with any criticism! You are in the right historically, in good company with Truman, Lincoln and others! Our Constitution provides for civilian control of the military, and god forbid anything else were to be reality! ๐Ÿ™