Ferguson Missouri

The Total Breakdown Of Law: The Corruption Of The Grand Jury System!

It is extremely rare that grand juries do not vote to indict a suspect on some charge or other, leaving it to the jury to decide guilt or innocence.

But now, in Ferguson, Missouri, and in Staten Island, New York, grand juries, despite clear cut evidence of wrong doing, or at least doubts about police actions, have chosen NOT to indict police officers, causing great outrage, and the danger of greater violence and breakdown of law and order!

How can one expect the African American community, in particular, but also the Latino community, and even the white community, to trust the police and believe that they are there to protect us, rather than harm us?

Imagine what it is like if one is African American, and has a son, that one has to worry that he might die prematurely, from police violence that is outside the norm of police behavior that is acceptable!

Until one is in the shoes of someone else, none of us can truly understand what it is like to lose a son, a father, a brother, who has often done nothing wrong, and is often unarmed!

We are in danger of a total breakdown of law, through the corruption, incompetence, and pure stupidity of the grand jury system, which cries out for drastic change!

The Growing Militarization And Right Wing Nature Of The Nation’s Law Enforcement Network A Danger To Democracy In America!

There is growing evidence of the militarization and right wing nature of the nation’s law enforcement network, a true danger to democracy!

We see more police officers breaking the law in the handling of suspects and the general public, including easy willingness to shoot and kill, rather than less aggressive tactics, particularly with African American and Latino young men.

We see law enforcement being uncovered as secret members of the Ku Klux Klan and other domestic terrorist and right wing militia groups, and preaching racism and hatred in many forms.

We see hints, strong hints, that members of the Secret Service are, in some cases, unfit for duty, as they harbor deep resentment against our first African American President, Barack Obama, and his family, and being less than zealous in their handling of his security, in a way not seen to such an extent for earlier Presidents.

The feeling is growing, that the American public can no longer feel relaxed with their local police, as there are many signs of aggressiveness, abusive language, and the wielding of power by law enforcement who have too much military style hardware and weapons, as in Ferguson, Missouri, way more than is needed in almost all situations.

The concept that the law enforcement authorities are out to protect us has become one of rather of some of them lacking proper training in sociology and psychology, and getting a power and ego trip by their ability to threaten us or mistreat us with impunity.

This is a feeling that some would say reminds historians of the concept of storm troopers and secret police in Fascist, Nazi, and Communist dictatorships, far from the concept of equal justice and fairness that is the benchmark of the American legal and judicial system over the history of our nation, and a warning sign for the future, to be alert and aware of possible abuses!