Donald Trump Threat To Civil Order

Republican Party Committing Suicide, Except For Asa Hutchinson And Chris Christie!

It is beyond all sanity that just about ALL Republican Party leaders and office holders are rushing to the defense of Donald Trump, and interfering with a local New York investigation into his financial wrongdoings!

Only at this point do we see former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson, who has just announced his Presidential candidacy, and former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who is expected to announce his Presidential candidacy soon, willing to back away from Trump, and indicate they would not support the idea of his becoming President again via the Presidential Election of 2024!

To see former Vice President Mike Pence condemn the indictment by the Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg is shocking, as well as the outrageous statements of Senator Lindsey Graham, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, and a multitude of others, who clearly think the rule of law does not apply to a former President who abused the Constitution and undermined civil order in the nation!

Donald Trump (Alternative Reality) Defends Rioters in January 6 Capitol Insurrection As No Threat, And “Hugging And Kissing”!

Donald Trump, the former “Insurrectionist in Chief” and would be “Dictator in Chief” is trying to change history, when he said this week that the rioters in the January 6 Capitol Insurrection, which caused the death of Brian Sicknick, two other Capitol officers committing suicide, and more than one hundred injuries to other Capitol Officers, was a “zero threat”, and that his supporters were “hugging and kissing”!

The desecration at the US Capitol is also overlooked by a man who clearly is the most dangerous person to American democracy, and now faces legal actions on many fronts. Trump also had nothing to say about the threat to former Vice President Mike Pence, who the rioters were chanting that he should be hanged, and a noose was present outside the US Capitol!

Trump is poisoning the Republican Party, and his loyal followers still represent a threat in the coming years, and one can sadly expect other violence and destruction being perpetrated by his Fascist supporters, who are white supremacists, racists, nativists, antisemites, and a threat to civil order as domestic terrorists!

Donald Trump needs to be held accountable in a court of law for his massive crimes against women; his promotion of violence and bloodshed among his crazy followers; and his economic crimes!