Carter-Mondale Relationship

Rosalynn And Jimmy Carter: Their Significance In American History Growing!

With the passing of First Lady Rosalynn Carter, and the further weakening of former President Jimmy Carter in his 100th year, their significance in American History is growing.

Often overlooked and ignored, it is clear that Rosalynn Carter transformed the position of First Lady in ways not realized at the time, as she became a true partner of her husband, just about as much as Vice President Walter Mondale.

The Carter-Mondale relationship was transformative, as was the interaction of the First Lady with her husband in affecting American government policies.

And the longest post Presidency in American history also has had an effect on Jimmy Carter’s reputation!

And with Jimmy Carter in his twilight time, his impact is being assessed in a more positive way, including his environmental policies; his Camp David Accords between Israel and Egypt; his negotiation of the Panama Canal treaty; his recognition of mainland China; and his promotion of human rights as a major instrument of American foreign policy, as among the attributes of his Presidency.