AR 15 Semiautomatic Weapons

Republican Party Is The Party Of Death!

The Republican Party of 2023 is clearly the “Party Of Death”!

The potential Presidential contenders are all speaking at the annual convention of the National Rifle Association, declaring full backing for no regulation of guns, despite the horrendous number of gun massacres occurring daily in the United States!

So called “good Christians” and other “Religious” people are showing no concern for the loss of life, while at the same time declaring they are “Pro Life” on abortion, even if women end up in critical health condition or die due to refusal of doctors to help them in pregnancy crises that are occurring regularly across the nation!

In 2003, there were 100 million guns in America, with only about one percent being AR 15s and other semiautomatic weapons.

Twenty years later, there are over 400 million guns in America, and a full 25 percent are AR 15s and other semiautomatic weapons which literally obliterate any human being who becomes a victim!

There have been more than 150 mass shootings in just about 100 days of this year!

So we have a political party that has no ethics, morals, scruples, or conscience, as they seek to worship the gun industry that promotes mass loss of life in such a common way, that guns have passed automobiles as the major cause of deaths in America!