Anita Bryant

Disney World And Ron DeSantis: The Destruction Of A Presidential Candidacy!

Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis is engaged in a disaster and lost cause, fighting the power and economic influence of Disney World, which has 75,000 employees and creates 450,000 total jobs in the central Florida area.

Without the $1.1 billion in taxes paid by Disney, and the $4.7 billion in total economic influence of Disney, Florida would still be a “backwater”, which it was before Disney came to Florida and specifically Orlando.

Disney has come out against anti gay legislation which has put Florida into an extremist right wing image that will harm the state’s reputation.

To fight against a great corporate citizen which has done so much for the economic health of Florida is pure insanity!

Ironically, Disney has given so much money to Republicans, who have run Florida for a generation, so it is unfathomable why DeSantis is crazy enough to go after that company and affect the future of Florida.

And if Disney World was to leave Florida in the future, it would be an economic disaster for Florida, and if North Carolina’s bid for Disney World was to succeed, it would be a great economic boon for that state or any other state that would welcome Disney.

And if Nikki Haley, another Republican running for President, had her way, Disney would move to South Carolina!

Other Republicans, including Chris Christie, are also on the attack against DeSantis, so he is meeting his “Waterloo”, and no longer will have any serious opportunity to be the Republican nominee in the 2024 Presidential Election cycle!

For a Republican to oppose the corporate power of Disney is unfathomable, and for DeSantis to make a threat to build a prison next door, is pure insanity!

Can one imagine how families who bring their children to the most favored tourist site in America would react to such a lunatic idea as to build a prison near a tourist site?

To “mess” with Disney is suicidal and it will destroy any chance that Ron DeSantis will be the party nominee or President, as it indicates just how dangerous and authoritarian oriented this man is, really a combination of Anita Bryant and George Wallace on steroids!