16th Anniversary Of “The Progressive Professor”!

Today, August 11, 16 years ago in 2008, this blog was created by this college professor, author, and lecturer.

In those 16 years and counting, there have been 8,218 postings, and 24,388 comments by readers, amazing statistics!

Many individuals have contributed these comments and thoughts, including most notably in recent times such individuals as the following:

Princess Leia
Rustbelt Democrat
Pragmatic Progressive
Former Republican
Rational Lefty
Southern Liberal
Wayne Johnson

Others have also added equally insightful comments over the years.

I want to thank the above list of contributors and others, who have helped to enrich this blog.

I still teach one course each term on the American Presidency at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton; give lectures before senior citizens at various venues; as well as keep disciplined to contribute my thoughts and insights on a daily basis on this blog, except when traveling on vacation.

I hope to continue this blog for many more years, but am pleased by my accomplishment in spreading discussion and debate, and congratulate my readers and contributors for helping to make this blog worthwhile!

2 comments on “16th Anniversary Of “The Progressive Professor”!

  1. Fred Searcy August 11, 2024 8:51 am

    Congratulations Ron! Keep on blogging!

  2. Princess Leia August 11, 2024 10:57 am


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