Day: October 10, 2023

The Danger Presented By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. As Independent Presidential Candidate

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, the namesake of former Senator and 1968 Presidential contender Robert F. Kennedy, has announced a run as an independent for the Presidential Election of 2024.

Other than being his namesake, there is absolutely no motivation for any sane person to vote for RFK Jr, as he clearly is a mental case, with major psychological and drug problems, and promotes lunatic conspiracy theories about vaccines and other scientific research.

His own siblings and other Kennedy family members have denounced him, and he has caused great pain and suffering for his elderly mother Ethel Kennedy, who is in her mid 90’s, still surviving 55 years after her husband’s tragic assassination. He is a disgrace to the Kennedy family tradition!

If Robert F. Kennedy had been alive now, nearing 98, he would, clearly, be totally shocked and stunned at what has happened to the mental state of his namesake.

It is a great human tragedy of massive proportions, but he could, in theory, affect the election results due to lunatic followers who may even think he is his father, and vote for him and undermine President Joe Biden, who has always been a great admirer of RFK, and has a bust of him on his desk, seen every time Biden is sitting and commenting on events.

Interestingly, Donald Trump has now denounced him, because it is thought, without proof, that RFK Jr. could siphon more Republican votes than Democratic votes in the election, but the best solution would be for him to go back into the woodwork and leave America free from his crazy, reckless and maniacal ideas!