Day: July 4, 2022

The Growing Battle Of Blue Vs Red States: Gavin Newsom Vs Ron DeSantis

The battle between Democratic (Blue) states and Republican (Red) states is on, as we start to look to the upcoming Midterm 2022 Elections and the beginnings of the 2024 Presidential Election scene.

The odds are growing that, in the end, neither Donald Trump nor Joe Biden will end up as the nominees of their parties.

So innumerable Democrats and Republicans are “testing the waters”, and the battle for the future of the nation, after the shocking right wing extremism of the Supreme Court in the term recently ended, has begun.

So we see California Governor Gavin Newsom taking on the fight against the right wing as exemplified by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

Both could, in theory, be opposing each other two years from now, and Newsom is taking a very aggressive approach toward the disgraceful record of Ron DeSantis on so many issues!