Day: November 3, 2021

Democrats Lost Because They Failed To Move Swiftly On Infrastructure Legislation

It is not unusual for the party in the White House to lose in elections a year later, and particularly in the Virginia Gubernatorial race.

But the loss of Virginia to Republicans, and the extremely close vote in New Jersey, are a danger sign, a warning sign, to Democrats for the upcoming midterm 2022 elections, when the entire House of Representatives, one third of the US Senate, and 36 gubernatorial elections will take place a year from now.

Looking back, it was a mistake to hold the Physical Infrastructure bill hostage over the Social Infrastructure bill, as the Democrats could not show any actual accomplishment on their agenda.

The progressives can be blamed for this, sadly to say, but now it is urgent that action take place on both bills very soon, so that the Democrats have a record of what they are doing to improve the lives of the American people.

One must remember that Donald Trump and the Republicans took no action on infrastructure, and would not do so on social infrastructure.

So the Democrats need to be able to show they can produce results, and play hardball in the upcoming campaigns.

The nation’s future is at stake, so no time to be depressed, and instead time to move ahead aggressively!