Day: April 19, 2021

Former Vice President Walter Mondale, A Pathbreaker, Dies At Age 93!

Former Vice President Walter Mondale, a pathbreaker who is considered the best Vice President in American history, died this evening at age 93.

Mondale was the most active and engaged Vice President, and became a model for future Vice Presidents.

Mondale also was the first Presidential nominee to select a woman running mate, Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro, when he was the Democratic Presidential nominee in 1984,

Mondale was such a decent, authentic political leader, who did not display an ego talking about himself all of the time, as many political leaders do incessantly.

Mondale will be long remembered in the annals of history for his gracious nature, and as the loyal partner of former President Jimmy Carter, who has survived just about every political leader he worked with in the White House!