Day: February 10, 2021

Absolutely Brilliant Presentation By House Prosecutors In Donald Trump Second Impeachment Trial

America can be proud of the nine member House Prosecution in the Second Donald Trump Impeachment Trial.

Watching their presentation evokes great emotions, at the tragedy of what happened on January 6, 2021.

January 6, the day of the Capitol Insurrection, will always be remembered in the same vein as September 11, 2001; December 7, 1941; and November 22, 1963, as days of mourning.

Jamie Raskin, the leader of the nine prosecutors, made every decent American proud, but the other eight prosecutors also demonstrated how decent and patriotic they are, and they will be well remembered in the long run of history.

The fact that one extra Republican, Senator Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, joined five other Republicans in legitimizing the trial, was a good development, but eleven more Republicans need to join the six (including Mitt Romney of Utah, Ben Sasse of Nebraska, Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania) to convict Donald Trump, and prevent him ever running again for public office.

If the Republicans were a decent group, which they are not, that would happen, but is highly unlikely to occur!