Day: July 8, 2020

Republican Party In Free Fall

The Republican Party seems clearly in free fall, as it looks clear that the Senate will go Democratic in November by the gain of a substantial number of seats, making them the majority, while the House looks as if it will be even more strongly Democratic.

The Republican Party is losing women, educated people, suburban residents, young people, racial and ethnic minorities, and the broad base of the middle class.

Donald Trump is on the way to a massive defeat, and the Republican Party that survives will be mostly working class whites in rural areas, and those who still profess to be “good Christians”, but have been willing to accept Donald Trump’s immorality and constant lying.

The future of the party is gloomy, as its membership in Congress is more than ever only white male Christians, with very few women, almost no Jews or African Americans or Latinos, and very little prospect in the cities and suburbs of most of the nation.

It may actually happen that Donald Trump will have destroyed the Republican Party, and it will have to reorganize to survive in the next decades as a serious alternative, but for now, the Democratic Party looks as if it is on the ascendancy!