Donald Trump has a connection to Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin, the horrific Red Scare demagogue of the early 1950s.
McCarthy made his career on assaulting the reputation of anyone who dared criticize him his witch hunt for Communists, in the government, and outside the government.
McCarthy had no common decency, no sense of propriety, and yet drew millions of supporters to his hateful rhetoric and actions.
And McCarthy had, as his chief henchman, a young, totally unprincipled lawyer named Roy Cohn, who was a total hypocrite in everything he did and said.
He was Jewish and promoted anti semitism with his attacks on Jews who were leftist in their beliefs, but not engaged in espionage.
Cohn was also gay, but would never admit it, even when he was dying of AIDS, and ruined many people’s lives with promotion of accusations against the character of critics, some of whom were gay.
Cohn was also an adviser to Trump, as he built up his real estate empire, and helped to groom him to be the egotistical demagogue that he has become.
Trump is following Cohn in spirit, by his attacks on Mexicans and Muslims, and his demonizing of all critics, including the parents of a Muslim soldier killed in Iraq in 2004.
Trump has no scruples, ethics, or morals, just like Joseph McCarthy and Roy Cohn.
Was he an adviser to Trump or Trump’s father?
Cohn was a legal advisor to Donald Trump in the 1970s and 1980s.
Trump had a speech about economic policy today. A Trump administration would follow the same regressive stances as the rest of the Teapublicans concerning taxes, the environment, etc.
Debunking lies in Trump’s speech yesterday.
Susan Collins is added to the list of Republicans not supporting Trump.
Former GOP national security officials wrote a letter against Trump.
Trump has done it again. He just can’t stay out of trouble. Threatening Hillary this week.
If an ordinary citizen had said that, he or she would have been arrested.
I’ve heard a lot of talk that we may have a landslide election.