Day: February 12, 2016

Interview On Presidential Assassinations Book On Monday, Presidents Day, On WLRN 91.3 FM NPR 1-2 PM Eastern Time!

This blogger and author will be interviewed live on Monday, Presidents Day, on WLRN, 91.3 FM, National Public Radio, from 1-2 PM Eastern time on his book published last August–ASSASSINATIONS, THREATS, AND THE AMERICAN PRESIDENCY: FROM ANDREW JACKSON TO BARACK OBAMA  (Rowman Littlefield Publishers, 2015).

The interview will be posted on the right of the blog under “Interviews”, and join more than 15 such interviews already posted there, plus some from earlier years, on public affairs issues.

Additionally, my C Span Brian Lamb hour interview is posted there, and next weekend, a 90 minute lecture on my book will be on C Span 2–Book TV–the weekend of February 20-21, and possibly be repeated the following weekend as well.  To have the opportunity to be on C Span twice is a wonderful development!

Hope you find time to listen, and that you enjoy the WLRN interview.  And next weekend, to watch C Span!  Eventually, that book lecture will also be posted on this blog!

Five Articles Published On History News Network Now Available On Right Side Of Blog, Along With Two Articles On

This blogger wanted to draw attention to five articles he has published in the past five weeks on History News Network (, relating to my book on Presidential Assassinations, and also on recent political events.

They are posted on the right hand side of the blog under Articles and Op-Eds, along with two article on website.

More articles are coming from History News Network soon, as at least three articles have been accepted.

So I suggest my readers look at these articles and future ones, all listed on this blog, along with radio interviews and C Span, with one more C Span to come next weekend, which I will announce soon!

The Incongruity: Second Most Prominent “First Lady” Challenged For Presidency Twice By “Unlikely” Rivals, And Could Lose Chance To Be First Woman President!

When history is written, the incongruity of what has been happening will make a great tale.

The second most prominent “First Lady” in American history is challenged for Presidency twice by “unlikely” rivals, and could lose her chance to be the first woman President.

The first time, a first term African American Senator from Illinois, with an African name and the middle name “Hussein” challenges this “First Lady”, and ends up as the 44th President of the United States, and employs the former “First Lady” as his Secretary of State.

The second time, after having served as Secretary of State. the former “First Lady” is challenged for the Presidency by an elderly Jewish Senator with strong democratic Socialist views, an independent from the small state of Vermont, and defeats her in New Hampshire, and could go on to be the 45h President of the United States!

Never before had we seen a woman seen as so serious a challenger for the Presidency!  Never had we seen an African American President!  Never had we seen a man over 70 by five years, and with clear but Socialist views, and of the Jewish faith, on the road to possible election as President of the United States!

American politics continues to be unpredictable!