Republicans Are Declaring War On Students: Doubling Of Student Loan Interest A Month Away!

The Republican House of Representatives has voted to allow a doubling of student loan rates on July 1, and unless they change their tune, that is what will happen, as action needs to be taken to prevent an automatic increase!

This is a new declaration of war, adding to that on women, immigrants, racial minorities, labor, senior citizens, the poor, the middle class, and the environment!

Bob Dole and other sane Republicans of the past generation KNOW that the GOP is on a maniacal path, which leads to long term doom for the party of Lincoln, TR, Ike, and Reagan! The GOP is committing suicide, but meanwhile, is making victims of vast numbers of the American people!

14 comments on “Republicans Are Declaring War On Students: Doubling Of Student Loan Interest A Month Away!

  1. Maggie May 28, 2013 1:12 pm

    Professor, i doubt our republican friends take seriously this important issue regarding student loan rates. They spend an awful lot if time carping about heinous “Liberal” secondary education. In fact they have spend the last 4 years opposing any and all university education so this bill should come as no surprise. They don’t want their constituents getting educated.
    As I have often said, republicans encourage and celebrate ignorance!
    Making it more difficult for students to further their education is part of their core beliefs.
    **** The repubs really don’t “have a life” beyond STUPID do they? Hahaha!

  2. Ronald May 28, 2013 1:17 pm

    Maggie, you are ABSOLUTELY correct in your statements! I wonder what Juan thinks about this, hmmm?

  3. Engineer Of Knowledge May 28, 2013 1:19 pm

    Yes Professor,
    My youngest graduates this Wednesday and is gearing up to go to college to become a school teacher like most of my family was and or is.

    When i told her that the House had just passed as bill to double the interest rates for her school loans, it did not go over well. It did give me a chance to point out to her that the current Republicans in the House does not give a rat’s ass about her future.

  4. Maggie May 28, 2013 1:53 pm

    Ahhh, Professor I’m waiting with eager anticipation (rolling my eyes) for Juan’s scintillating disquisition on the matter!

  5. Engineer Of Knowledge May 29, 2013 9:17 am

    Hello Professor,
    I cannot tell you what a pleasant surprise it was to wake up and hear the news that Bimbo Bitch Bachmann would be gone from the voting members of Congress.

    Of course it does not surprise me that her extremism has led to her ethics investigations. She lived by Barry Goldwater’s statement, “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice!”

    I would also warn to those whom tout the Tea Party / Ultra Extreme Reactionary Conservatism, “Those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth. And let me remind you, they are the very ones who always create the most hellish tyrannies. Absolute power does corrupt, and those who seek it must be suspect and must be opposed.”

    These poor mindless drones are being misled into their own Working Middle Class destruction.

  6. Juan Domingo Peron May 29, 2013 9:32 am

    Engineer: I’m not going to defend Bachmann if she did something illegal. But so far she has not been accused or convicted of anything. If she is found guilty of any crime well she will have to pay. I really believe that in legal criminal issues one is presumed innocent until proven guilty. As a matter of fact it is one of the pillars of our system. That said, I find it very despicable that you use the term “bimbo bitch” to refer to a woman , any woman. It shows that you have a total lack of character, and are just but a shadow of a man. Insulting a woman how you have done reflects on you and what kind of a man are, actually I wouldn’t call you a man. Call me old fashion, and I am the first to go after politicians, but If I am going to go after a politician I try to limit it to men. If I go after women politician I never use the word bitch. I can use nut, crazy, insane whatever, but always referring to their ideas. And if I go after men politicians, well I let them have it. Call me old fashion, but I thought you “liberals” were suppose to be all for women’s dignity. Apparently not.

  7. Engineer Of Knowledge May 29, 2013 10:21 am

    Well Juan,
    You know I clearly stated an “ethics investigation”. To imply anything else is simply a “Strawman Argument.” Making an issue where there is not one. With you claiming to be a lawyer, you should know this.

    With all of Bachmann’s miss statements of fact, lack of any science bases, solely on her version of religion views, and Tea Party Extremism,…… how would you label it? With reference to what I found as a descriptive identification of Michele Bachmann, and what I have seen you comment to Maggie and Leia, I find your disapproval quite hollow. 🙂

    You cannot bait or suck me into an argument where there is not one. Others may fall into this, but I have so much more political experience than you.

  8. Juan Domingo Peron May 29, 2013 10:42 am

    Engineer: I was only stating my position towards Bachmann. I never said you considered her guilty. I believe I started saying “I’m not going to defend Bachmann if she did something illegal” , thus I was talking about me not you. Finally , I have never called Maggie or Leia the “B” word. I of course call them wackos and more LOL, but only referring to their positions. Apparently you cannot understand the difference, so never mind.

  9. Engineer Of Knowledge May 29, 2013 12:00 pm

    OK Juan…fair enough..:-)

  10. Ronald May 29, 2013 12:08 pm

    I am enjoying this immensely, LOL, and I concur thank goodness that Michele Bachmann will be gone, and it is a sign of trouble for the Tea Party whackos, I think, and even Mitch McConnell is in trouble in Kentucky for the time being at least, glory be to God, as he is a monstrous, despicable excuse for a Minority Leader.

    The right wing is in trouble, and it is the only hope for a revival of the Bob Dole-Howard Baker–Alan Simpson–Charles Percy–Mark Hatfield–Charles Mathias mainstream Republicans, that even if not always in agreement on every issue, one could, at least, have respect for their principles and their basic dignity, rather than their use of demagoguery!

  11. Ronald May 29, 2013 12:18 pm

    Juan,— Maggie, Engineer of Knowledge, Princess Leia and I are waiting with baited breath LOL as to your thoughts on the doubling of student loan interest rates, and you have been strangely silent! Please inform us!

  12. Princess Leia May 29, 2013 12:18 pm

    @Professor @Engineer

    I say, good riddance to her!

  13. Juan Domingo Peron May 31, 2013 11:53 am

    Ron: Apparently regarding this issue of student loans and interest is not as you portray it to be.
    “House Education Chairman John Kline’s bill sets floating rates on new Stafford loans at the 10-year Treasury rate plus 2.5%, while also protecting borrowers by capping the rates at 8.5%. Under this plan, a borrower can consolidate his loans after graduation to achieve a fixed rate.

    Mr. Obama’s plan is purely for fixed, not floating, rates at the 10-year Treasury rate plus 0.93% or 2.93% depending on the type of Stafford loan, and it has no rate cap. We wish both the House and Mr. Obama would drive a harder bargain on behalf of the taxpayer, but they aren’t separated by a difference of philosophy. A spread of 93 or 293 basis points means the President cares about young people, but 250 basis points signifies unspeakable cruelty?”

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