It has been a year since Vice President Joe Biden publicly endorsed same sex marriage, followed three days later by a similar endorsement by President Barack Obama.
We are on the cusp of Minnesota becoming the 12th state to allow same sex marriage, with the states adopting it, including::
New Hampshire
Rhode Island
New York
Following Minnesota, the following nine states are likely to adopt same sex marriage between now and the end of 2014:
New Jersey
New Mexico
That will mean that 21 states with 45 percent of the nation’s population will have adopted same sex marriage as part of their law.
The only groups that oppose same sex marriage by a majority are:
Less educated Whites
Over 65 years of age
Evangelical Protestants
Tea Party Movement
The South and the Great Plains, heavily Republican, are united against same sex marriage, while the New England and Mid Atlantic states, some of the Midwest, and the Pacific Coast, predominantly Democratic, are for it!
If the SCOTUS intervenes once again unconstitutionally and sets public policy by announcing a new constitutional right, not written in the Constitution itself but somehow only viewable and revealed to 5 Justices, then it doesn’t really matter what the people of each state believe or think. I mean look a California, the majority clearly rejected changing the definition of marriage, but that didn’t deter the losing side, they went straight to the courts. So in the words of Hillary “what difference does it make” ? Who cares what the people think?!! All this tally counting by states is totally irrelevant when we have at least 5 Justices with superior insights on morality and public policy that will decide for us, the people of America. I mean , who need the citizens opinion. Right?
Actually according to the latest Pew Research Poll of March 2013, which is the poll with the largest study sample found that white non Hispanics favor gay marriage 49% to 43% and Hispanics favor gay marriage 49% to 39%. . While blacks oppose gay marriage 48% to 40%!.
Great post Professor and oh so true!
Juan, why should 5 Justices decide that corporations are people under the Citizens United Case, or 5 Justices decide that they would have a broad interpretation of the right to bear arms, which has led to massacres and mass loss of life since? Why is it acceptable for them to do that, and NOT allow for abortion rights, defendant rights, interracial marriage, and gay marriage? This is what the Supreme Court is all about, and the conservatives, when they can, BROADLY interpret, and if the progressives have the majority, they BROADLY interpret. It all just depends which side of the fence you are on!
Also, Juan, when it comes to basic human rights, the “citizens” should NOT have the power, by their prejudices and narrow mindedness, as too many have, to deny gay men and women, African Americans, Hispanics and Latinos, Native Americans, Asian Americans, and women the same rights and privileges that white males have, and the same goes for people of all religions in America, that their basic human rights are not to be denied by hate and emotion of racists, bigots, anti semites, anti Catholic, misogynists and others who think only the dominant group in American capitalism should have all rights and privileges!
Hello Professor,
I think I have found the answer to a recent and current events problem.
An immigration study was done by the conservative think-tank, “The Heritage Foundation,†penned by a Mr. Jason Richwine in his 2009 doctoral dissertation and given as being factually supported by “The Heritage Foundation†on the immigration policy wrote:
“No one knows whether Hispanics will ever reach the IQ parity with whites, but the prediction that new Hispanic Immigrants will have low IQ children and grandchildren is difficult to argue against.â€
Giving this conservative finding, I will give you as the reason why Juan says he will not perform the proficiency of the 7th grade math problem on some high moral debating principle but in reality is due to the factor he simply cannot.
After all, he writes so prolifically on all other subjects with an opinion on everyone of your postings, but has no attempt to answer this simple Fall Semester 7th grade and yes, sometimes even elementary school math question.
Not only this math problem, but I am guessing also the 4th grade math problem of 1/4 divided by 1/2 and to have him show his work in fractional form, is a continuation of his sub-par capabilities given as proof by “The Heritage Foundation†conservative think-tank study. (And due to the fact it is a Conservative Publication….it must be true and repeated often without any Critical Thinking……Right?)
Engineer of Knowledge, I have decided NOT to comment on what you just wrote above, and instead not touch it with a “ten foot pole”! LOL 🙂 hahaha!
We both know it was a tongue in cheek rhetorical statement and I respect the fact nothing else really needed to be said. 😉
I should add that the Heritage Foundation’s comment and fact stated aspects are a true and accurate of that conservative group. So much for the conservative mindset that’s some embrace.
George Borjas is a professor of economics and social policy, Cuban born scholar, got his PhD in economics from Columbia. He’s an award-winning labor economist, National Bureau of Economic Research associate. Has written countless books.
Richard Zeckhauser is a professor of Political Economy at the Kennedy School of Government. Zeckhauser earned a PhD of economics from Harvard. He belongs to the Econometric Society, the American Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Medicine.
Christopher Jencks is a professor of Social Policy at Harvard’s JFK school. “He is a renowned left-wing academic who has taught at Harvard, Northwestern, the University of Chicago and the University of California, Santa Barbara. He edited the liberal New Republic magazine in the 1960s and has written several scholarly books tackling poverty, economic inequality, affirmative action, welfare reform and, yes, racial differences (‘The Black-White Test Score Gap’).”
Borjas, Zeckhauser and Jencks, all three of these achieved and highly acclaimed scholars reviewed Jason Richwine’s doctoral thesis and granted him approval, and not one of them at the time they reviewed it accused him of racism or bigotry or prejudice or bias. He sailed through the doctoral program.
Jason Richwine at Harvard wrote a doctoral thesis in which he concluded that the IQ of illegal aliens is lower than natural born residents in the country. Which come to think of it is not surprising considering that these unlucky individual come from generations of poverty and illiteracy. They are not professional educated immigrants who come here on an jumbo jet through MIA, but cross the border in desperation for a better life than the one their country provides.
Anyway that it was he discovered, and he is now being charged with racism and bigotry. His doctoral thesis is entitled, “IQ: An Immigration Policy.” There are three parts. Part 1 reviews the science of IQ as the foundation and basis for what follows. Part 2 delves into the empirical research comparing IQs of native born American populations with that of immigrant groups with the Hispanic population broken out, and then he explores the causes of an immigrant IQ deficit that appears to persist among Hispanic immigrants to the US through several generations.
He didn’t make it up. He didn’t invent it. He had a premise, he researched it, and this is what he found. And when it was published, nobody had a problem with it. But now that it’s in the Heritage report criticizing the Gang of Eight’s immigration bill, all hell has broken loose. See Doctoral Dissertation for those of you who can “read”.