The First Republican Presidential Poll for the 2012 Election

Can you imagine that even before the inauguration of President Elect Barack Obama on January 20, 2009, there is already a poll on the present standing of various Republicans in the race to become the GOP nominee for President in 2012?  Can we NOT have a respite from polls at least until the first Hundred Days of the Obama Presidency has occurred?  🙂

In any case, the poll is very revealing of the power of celebrity, without being evidence that one can rely on and believe will be followed through on three years from now when the race is in full swing.  Former Governor Mike Huckabee, Governor Sarah Palin, and former Governor Mitt Romney are the top three candidates, but all three have major weaknesses and shortcomings and are extremely unlikely to be the choice of the GOP voters in the primaries and caucuses.  Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and former NYC Mayor Rudy Guiliani follow behind, and to believe that either of them will win is really stretching reality!  LOL  So the top five candidates in the poll are all extremely unlikely to be the nominee and to have a realistic chance to win the White House against President Obama.

The other two Republicans in the poll, although numbers six and seven on the list, should, on the other hand, be seriously paid attention to, as both are newer faces and have a more moderate image–Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana and Governor Charlie Crist of Florida. They have much more credibility and at least on paper, electability.  Of course, this is all subject to future unknown events, but IF the GOP chooses any of the top five on the list, I believe they are doomed in 2012 and beyond.  New, fresh blood and a moderate image are essential to have a long term future for the revival of the Republican party nationally.

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