White Collar Voters

Civil War In The GOP: Men Vs Women; Blue Collar Vs White Collar; Born Again Christians Vs Not; Tea Party Supporters Vs Not

The Republican Party, based on a new CNN poll, are totally split down the middle, engaged in a true civil war for the future of the party.

Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts Governor, despite being self described as “severely conservative”, has not convinced many groups in the GOP that he is a conservative. He is backed by women, white collar professionals, those NOT born again Christian, and those NOT Tea Party supporters.

Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum, certainly more right wing than Romney can claim to be, is backed by men, blue collar workers, born again Christians, and Tea Party supporters.

This means that Mitt Romney is far from certain as the nominee of the party, and the Michigan Primary coming up on February 28 in the state of his birth, and the state which elected his father George Romney Governor in the 1960s, will be a true battleground, with Santorum at the moment ahead of Mitt Romney.

The question is are we going to have a candidate who represents a much more narrow minded, less educated, more religiously fanatical element, as the Republican nominee to lead our country in the 21st century? Or are we going to have a candidate who represents a more socially advanced, more educated, more open minded, less governed by religion as part of government, as the GOP nominee?

This looks like a battle royale on the level of Nelson Rockefeller vs Barry Goldwater in 1964, but with Santorum far more scary and narrow minded and dangerous than Barry Goldwater could ever have been in reality!