Steve Stockman

One Blessing From GOP Primaries So Far: Some Tea Party Congressmen Now Gone From Congress In 2015!

The Republican Senate primaries so far have had one blessing at the least–the defeat of several Tea Party Congressmen who sought to move up to the US Senate!

In Texas, Steve Stockman lost to Senator John Cornyn; in Georgia, Phil Gingrey and Paul Broun lost in their bids for an open Senate seat!

Also, Michele Bachmann, under investigation for campaign violations in her 2012 Presidential campaign, decided not to seek another term as Congresswoman from Minnesota!

Any election period where four loony members of the House of Representatives are leaving is a welcome blessing!

Let’s hope more lose in primaries or in elections, and the American people get the kind of representation they deserve, instead of the anarchistic, lunatic fringe that the Tea Party Movement represents.

Senate Republican Conservatives In Danger From Tea Party Right Wingers!

The Republican Party knows it must gain six seats in the Senate to gain a majority, but as things stand, they are in danger from Tea Party right wingers, who might defeat them in primaries this year, and then could lose safe seats to the Democrats!

This includes Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky; Senator Thad Cochran of Mississippi; Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina; Senator Lamar Alexander of Tennessee; Senator John Cornyn of Texas; as well as open Republican Senate seats (due to retirements) in Georgia and Nebraska.

The wackiest candidates against these Senators are Matt Bevin in Kentucky; Lee Bright in South Carolina; and Steve Stockman in Texas. But also, three Georgia Senate competitors in Georgia are all wacky—Paul Broun, Phil Gingrey, and Jack Kingston, all sitting Georgia House members, with the only good thing is that two will be eliminated from Congress by running in the Senate primary.

So in theory, instead of gaining six seats, the GOP could lose up to seven seats if the Tea Party succeeds in defeating solid conservative Republican Senators, or in the case of Nebraska and Georgia, solid conservatives who are retiring.

The Top Political Comedians Of 2013

Most political observers are well aware of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert and the Comedy Channel, and find their political humor engaging.

But really, both Stewart and Colbert, and other comedians who do politics, including on Saturday Night Live, have so much material due to the fact that there are people in politics who make total fools of themselves, and seem to have no shame.
Below are listed the author’s top choices for “Political Comedians of the Year 2013”, but in no special order.

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R) of Minnesota
Congressman Steve King (R) of Iowa
Congressman Louie Gohmert (R) of Texas
Congressman Steve Stockman (R) of Texas
Congressman Paul Broun (R) of Georgia
Congressman Tom Price (R) of Georgia
Senator Ted Cruz (R) of Texas
Senator Rand Paul (R) of Kentucky
Mayoral contender and former Congressman Anthony Weiner (D) of New York
Mayor and former Congressman Bob Filner (D) of San Diego
Former Governor Sarah Palin (R) of Alaska