Famlly Unit

Ridiculous Statements About ObamaCare By Conservatives And Republicans!

The conservative movement and the Republican party, and Conservative Talk Radio are pulling out all the stops to try and stop ObamaCare from going into effect on October 1.

There is no stupid or ridiculous argument or statement that they have not utilized!

ObamaCare is equivalent of Nazi Germany!

ObamaCare is worse than the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850!

ObamaCare will kill women, children, and senior citizens!

ObamaCare will promote total government control over our personal lives!

ObamaCare is utilizing other nations’ “socialist” experiences in Europe and Canada, undermining the greatness of America!

ObamaCare is Communism, taking away freedom!

ObamaCare is encouraging abortion, homosexuality, undermining of religious values!

ObamaCare is Marxism!

ObamaCare is destruction of the family unit!

ObamaCare is a way to enslave Americans, making them dependent on the federal government!

Imagine when ObamaCare is shown to work, how the right wing will be left holding the bag, with their philosophy and ideas repudiated for the long term by the vast majority of Americans!