13 Year Anniversary Of Obama Care (Affordable Care Act)!

We have reached the 13 year anniversary of the Affordable Care Act (Obama Care), which despite vehement Republican opposition, and multiple attempts to repeal the legislation, survives today.

It has transformed the lives of millions of Americans whose lives have been saved, despite their being poor and low income.

And North Carolina has just become the 40th state to expand Medicaid, the program begun by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1966, but with 10 states, including the megastates of Florida and Texas still resisting helping the poor and disadvantaged to be able to acquire health care.

Conservatives and Republicans have no concern about human life, other than fetuses being born, but they still promote denial of health care, and promote expansion of gun violence, by refusing to support any gun regulations, a true outrage!

And today, we had another mass loss of life in an attack by a woman against a religious elementary school in Nashville, Tennessee, as the number of victims of gun assaults multiply daily!

Any intelligent, caring human being understands that conservatives and Republicans, if they had their way, would obliterate not only Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act, but also Medicare and Social Security!

2 comments on “13 Year Anniversary Of Obama Care (Affordable Care Act)!

  1. Rational Lefty March 28, 2023 10:14 am

    The report is that the Tennessee shooter was transgender. This is going to cause the ReThuglican’s rhetoric against LGBTQ Americans to grow even more incendiary now.

  2. Princess Leia March 29, 2023 9:32 am

    I’m sick and tired of ReThuglicans and their “thoughts and prayers” every time one of these shooting incidents happens! Enough is enough! Vote them out at every level!

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