21st Anniversary Of Al Gore Concession In 2000, Compared To Donald Trump In 2020!

The 21st anniversary of Vice President Al Gore’s concession to George W. Bush after the heated 36 day standoff in the Presidential Election of 2000 reminds us of the reality that Donald Trump has still NOT conceded he lost the Presidential Election of 2020 to Joe Biden, and is stirring up a dangerous scenario that could lead to another US Capitol Insurrection in the future!

Donald Trump must be held accountable and prosecuted for his crimes which led to the violence and bloodshed on January 6, and he must be prevented from being able to run for President again in 2024, as his goal is simply to incite division and a potential civil war, rather than unite the nation to a peaceful future!

Donald Trump is clearly a traitor to America, in many ways more so than Benedict Arnold, Aaron Burr, Jefferson Davis and others who put their own selfish desires ahead of what was good for the survival of America!

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