Barack Obama And Kamala Harris Speeches Will Stand Out As Models In The Long Run Of American History!

When one feels despair at the horrific situation America is in during this crucial year of 2020, and when we look back in the future at this year, the Democratic National Convention speeches last night, on the third day of the convention, will stand out as among the greatest public oratory moments in the long run of American history!

Both the first African American President (Barack Obama), and the first African American and Indian American soon to be Vice President (Kamala Harris), demonstrated full command of the issues of this election for the nation in 2020, and for the long term survival of American democracy!

The fact that both Obama and Harris could rise to the pinnacle of power and leadership is testimonial to how far we have come in the journey for a “more perfect Union”, but also a reminder that there is is much work still to be accomplished!

The fight against Fascist authoritarianism and tyranny that Donald Trump and his ilk represent is the greatest crisis for the nation since 1940, when Franklin D. Roosevelt campaigned for a third term in office, in order to deal with the Fascist threat of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany.

This was a time when the misnamed “America First Committee” was out to avoid the need for the ultimate confrontation with totalitarianism to keep American democracy alive and thriving.

A third of the nation was willing to accept Fascism’s takeover, and even had a charismatic leader who praised Hitler, the famous aviator Charles Lindbergh. So FDR, despite the strain of eight years in the Presidency, felt committed to steer the nation to the proper course in a time of danger.

The same now falls upon Joe Biden, who has devoted a half century of his life to the advancement of American democracy, and he has been called upon to lead the nation in the fight against the threat of the modern hero of the extreme right, Donald Trump!

Just as FDR prevailed, Joe Biden, with Kamala Harris by his side, and with Barack and Michelle Obama backing him up, will succeed in dealing with the most serious set of crises, both domestic and foreign, since the time of FDR!

5 comments on “Barack Obama And Kamala Harris Speeches Will Stand Out As Models In The Long Run Of American History!

  1. Princess Leia August 21, 2020 12:36 pm

    In my opinion, the real reason that Joe Biden is the nominee is not the James Clyburn endorsement: which was of course pivotal, but rather the fact that V.P. Biden was the only candidate who really understood what this election was about. When other candidates were offering nifty ’12 point plans’, he was framing this election as the battle for the “soul of the nation”. V.P. Biden realized that he was combating a truly evil and twisted candidate who threatened to dismantle U.S. democracy. V.P. Biden is betting that U.S. voters want an inclusive and empathetic U.S. as opposed to an authoritarian and nationalistic state. I think he is right.

  2. Pragmatic Progressive August 21, 2020 12:37 pm

    You are so correct. What has been missing for the past almost 4 years is any sort of empathy for others, any sort of messaging and governance that would bring citizens and nations together. Enough of this engineered divisiveness and hatred. Biden’s speech combined with Harris’s speech are two beacons on which I expect to hang my future and that of my nation. Unlike those empty promises from Trump, these new promises have substance and lasting power. The complaints about lack of policy statements is tone deaf. The policy statements are there, interwoven in the messages of community building, care for our neighbors, rebuilding America’s positions in the world, and the return of human decency and its benefits.

  3. Ronald August 21, 2020 1:16 pm

    Beautiful sentiments, and I totally agree!

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