Town Hall Meetings, Senator Tom Coburn Et Al, And Pandering To The Mob Mentality!

Senator Tom Coburn, Republican of Oklahoma, who this author has very little respect for, including regarding him as one of the worst Senators in American history, actually was starting to make me think that maybe I had misjudged him. He had begun to sound rational and reasonable on issues that he discussed on MORNING JOE on MSNBC, and I have always thought that his fellow Senator James Inhofe, who denies climate change, was far worse.

But lo and behold, Coburn has gone off the deep end, lost all credibility he had gained in my eyes, as a result of pandering to a mob mentality at a Town Hall meeting in Oklahoma, and this is not the only Republican to have done so this month!

Coburn is now claiming that Barack Obama, who has been very nice to him, and had meetings with him, is “perilously close” to meeting the standards for impeachment! And other Republicans are saying that they think they have the votes to impeach Obama, and one wishes that he could author the bill to impeach Obama, as if this is a laughing matter, a light matter, an action that if taken is no big deal, when it is INDEED a big deal!

The problem is that there is ABSOLUTELY NO BASIS for impeachment, as Republican strategist Nicole Wallace, who worked for John McCain in his 2008 Presidential campaign, has clearly stated, and any rational Republican, with the number diminishing, KNOWS this to be a fact!

These town halls are becoming an example of democracy gone amuck, where racists, nutcakes, whackos, lunatics, show up and demonstrate the worst elements of ignorant people thinking they know what should be done in government. And disturbingly, it is often women who spew forth hatred and venom and poison unbecoming a decent lady, let alone gentlemen!

Where is this going to stop? When are we going to have Republicans recognize that appealing to the ignorant mob rule is dangerous, and that responsible political leaders must take a stand against such craziness, even if, by so doing, they lose their coveted seats, which should not matter more than doing what is right and moral?

And if Colin Powell, the esteemed former General in the Persian Gulf War, and Secretary of State, can, rightfully, condemn the North Carolina Voter ID law as counterproductive and outrageous, and right in front of North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory, who signed the despicable legislation, just one of the many discriminatory Republican laws on voting rights, it is time for decent Republican voters who are dismayed by what has happened to their party, to make clear that they are abandoning any Republican such as Tom Coburn who speaks and talks in a reckless, irresponsible manner about our President and our government!

Do the Republicans look to promote anarchy and chaos, and follow the lead of demagogues Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, and their ilk?

If so, they should be denounced and repudiated by all sane Americans!

4 comments on “Town Hall Meetings, Senator Tom Coburn Et Al, And Pandering To The Mob Mentality!

  1. Rustbelt Democrat August 23, 2013 11:59 am

    I’m trying to figure out who are the bigger idiots. The idiots who are elected or the people who elect them.

  2. Engineer Of Knowledge August 23, 2013 12:36 pm

    Hello Professor,
    I seem to recall someone recently spouting the same verbiage of “Lawless President to be impeached” but I don’t know of any indictments being handed down.
    Now on the other hand, W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld all have warrants from the Hague for War Crimes from the Iraq War. Rumsfeld was in France to speak but had to be smuggled out laying in the backseat floor covered by a blanket into an American Air force base to be flown out because the French police were coming to arrest him enforcing the Interpol warrant. Georgy, Dicky, and Donny cannot leave the protection of this country because they can be arrested internationally. What Good Americans they are.

  3. Engineer Of Knowledge August 23, 2013 12:40 pm

    Well Rustbelt, Like I have said before, I predicted this calamity in my conversation with Jack Kemp years before. You court ignorance…you get ignorance.

  4. Maggie August 24, 2013 8:53 pm

    Sadly most Americans, especially the right wingers have not the sense or motivation to really think through the electoral process and significance of the constitutional process for impeachment and removal of a president. It’s just blind cheering shouting impeach impeach…meaning to them lynch! It’s frightening to think the GOP ass clowns cold get away with this!

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