Day: December 11, 2022

Republican Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler A Hateful Homophobe!

This past week, the Congress approved the protection of same sex marriage and interracial marriage, insuring protection of the marriages or future marriages of people, who, sadly, face many so called “good Christians” promoting hate and discrimination and denial of a basic human right to marry who one loves!

We saw a displapy of pure hypocrisy and viciousness by Missouri Republican Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler, who became teary eyed, claiming that Christianity and people of faith were being threatened by such action, to prevent a right wing Supreme Court from taking away a basic right, as they did in June on abortion rights!

Now her gay nephew has denounced her rightfully, as Hartzler put on a display that embarrassed her and demonstrated her vicious nature, an aunt who should be ashamed of herself, because she is trying to promote theocracy, rule of religious views over a nation based on separation of church and state and freedom of religion.

The fact is that religious institutions, including schools, are being state supported, while promoting discrimination, and that should not be permitted.

Thank goodness this excuse of a so called “religious” woman is leaving Congress, as she gave up her chance for reelection to pursue a Senate bid in Missouri, but failed to accomplish her goal. Good riddance is the best statement to make on this woman!