Day: June 17, 2016

Republican Party Born Over Race And Immigration Controversies, And Dying Over Race And Immigration Controversies!

The Republican Party was born in 1854 over the issue of race and immigration controversies, and now, 162 years later, it is dying over the issue of race and immigration controversies!

The difference is that in 1854, the Republican Party was created on the basis of open mindedness and tolerance on both the issue of slavery and the discrimination against Catholic immigration from Ireland and Germany.

Now in 2016, the Republican Party is destroying itself after years of promoting racism and nativism, and finally nominating a Presidential candidate, Donald Trump, who is tearing the party to shreds, and will be held responsible for the party’s demise!

But really, the party has been headed in this direction for the past generation, and has been a total disgrace in its promotion of hate and intolerance which has besmirched the good name of innumerable Republican—Presidents, Senators, Congressmen, Governors, state legislators—who were proud of their commitment to the principles that led to the rise of the Republican Party and its defense of freedom, liberty, and open mindedness!