Day: November 28, 2015

Potential Third Party Candidates Or Independent Candidates Who Could Complicate Presidential Election Of 2016!

Third parties or independent movements have often affected American Presidential elections, and has helped to influence who is elected to the Presidency.

Several public figures are believed to be considering running, and it would only further complicate an already confusing election contest.

Donald Trump, despite signing a pledge to back the GOP Presidential candidate if it is not him, is now hinting that he might renege on his pledge, as he sees growing opposition from Republican Establishment personalities to the damage he is wreaking on the Republican Party.

Former Virginia Democratic Senator Jim Webb, who dropped out of the race after an unimpressive debate performance, is also flirting with the idea of running as an independent.

And there are rumors that another New York billionaire, former Democrat and Republican and Independent New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, might throw his “hat in the ring.”

Any of these three could have a deleterious effect, with Bloomberg having the potential to harm the Democrats; Webb to harm both parties;  and Trump to destroy any chance for the Republicans to win an already difficult race in the Electoral College!  None could win the Presidency, but help to decide who is inaugurated on January 20, 2017!