Jewish Conservative Talk Show Hosts

Attacks On Mental Acuity Of Joe Biden By Jewish Conservative Talk Show Hosts Only Undermining Their Credibility

It is very disillusioning that a number of Jewish Conservative Talk show hosts are becoming notorious for their vicious attacks on Joe Biden’s mental acuity and fitness, ridiculing him in a shocking manner.

These same characters would never attack Ronald Reagan, who clearly was mentally impaired, and of course, they overlook the constant evidence of the mental decline of Donald Trump.

Who are these disgraceful talk shows hosts who have no dignity, ethics, or morals?

David Horowitz

Dennis Prager

Michael Savage

Mark Levin

Ben Shapiro

All five have been involved over the years in all kinds of controversies, demonstrating a total lack of ethics, and undermining their reputations to anyone who believes in common decency.

The two thirds to three fourths of American Jews who believe in common decency, and have compassion and empathy about issues and personalities in public affairs, are appalled by the willingness of these characters to defend a lawless, immoral, dangerous President, who has demonstrated every day how he is willing to destroy American democracy in his desire to destroy the Constitution and the rule of law.

Just the fact that they fail to see that Trump consorts with and justifies antisemites, such as David Duke and Richard Spencer, and that he promotes racism, nativism, Islamophobia, homophobia, and misogyny is an insult to all who are Jewish who believe in the basic teachings of the faith.

They actually are promoting antisemitism, and endangering American Jews in the process, without any moral compass or concern.