Roger Ailes (Fox News) And Stephen Bannon (Breitbart News): This Is The “New” Donald Trump?

The much hailed “new” Donald Trump is going to be far worse than the “old” Donald Trump, who insulted everyone and everything, and showed unmatched levels of racism, nativism, Islamophobia, and misogyny, and refused to condemn those who are anti Semites and anti gay.

With Roger Ailes, formerly of Fox News Channel, but now banned by them because of sexual harassment and worse; and Stephen Bannon of Breitbart News, an extremely anti Semitic, anti gay, misogynistic website far worse than Fox News Channel, now working to rebrand Donald Trump, the extremism displayed by Trump is only going to get worse.

The man is showing signs of insanity and or dementia, and large numbers of Republicans and conservatives are backing away from him, and as the public opinion polls plummet for him, he is bound to become more desperate and obnoxious and unstable by the day.

Already, he is now trying to appeal to African Americans and Hispanics, as if they have any reason based on his statements and business dealings with them to believe anything that comes from his mouth.

Trump must think that people are that stupid and clueless as he wants to imagine, but actually for all those people who support him, despite the fact that his mean spirit and narcissism should turn everyone off, one has to wonder about common sense and basic decency, which seems not to exist for Trump supporters.

11 comments on “Roger Ailes (Fox News) And Stephen Bannon (Breitbart News): This Is The “New” Donald Trump?

  1. Paul Doyle August 23, 2016 9:48 pm

    Don’t leave out Kellyanne Conway, the campaign’s Urkel (“Did I say that?”), who was eviscerated by George Stephanopoulos playing back comments she made when she was a paid mouthpiece for Ted Cruz.
    We are 32 years beyond 1984, but newspeak has been taken to a new level….

  2. Ronald August 23, 2016 9:57 pm

    Paul, you are so correct on that!

  3. Paul Doyle August 23, 2016 10:15 pm

    BTW, Professor,I just purchased your “Twilight of Progressivism” on Barnes&Noble marketplace.
    Sorry you won’t get any royalty on a used book, but 10% of $1.99 wouldn’t have contributed much to your retirement. LOL!

    Someone from Chicago has a copy listed as new and is asking $89 for it! I like your stuff, but not that much!!!

  4. Ronald August 23, 2016 10:25 pm

    HAHA! 🙂 I thank you,Paul, for having purchased my first book on BN.

    I had a hearty laugh about the 20 cents royalty natter hahaha! 🙂

    A new copy at $89 is crazy, and I fully understand that you are not silly enough to pay that price.

    I would ask you to consider writing a review on Amazon of the book, which has had one recent review.

    And I wonder if you purchased my Assassinations book which was on a 30 percent discount from the publisher, Rowman Littlefield, which is no longer available.

    However, it will be in paperback for $22.95 on March 8, as advertised on Amazon!

  5. Paul Doyle August 23, 2016 10:36 pm

    I was waiting for the paperback version. The hardcover price, I thought, was as little high for a general interest history book and I could not find a copy in my library network( there I go again trying to screw you out of a royalty).

    I did watch your interview with Brian Lamb and heard your interview on NPR, but I am a thrifty literary consumer, otherwise I would be in the poorhouse with all the book, magazine and newspaper purchases.

  6. Ronald August 23, 2016 11:00 pm

    I agree, Paul, that the hardcover price was too high, but could not control that.

    However, with thirty percent off when available, it was $26.60, while the paperback will be $22.95.

    I perfectly understand the need for thrift, and really appreciate you interest in my writing and my interviews.

    And if you wish, i would appreciate an Amazon review on both books when you get to read them, and inform me that you have done so.

    Of course, if you do not wish to do reviews, that is fine too!

    I consider you a good friend and supporter, and thank you! 🙂

  7. Paul Doyle August 24, 2016 9:15 am

    Ailes rhymes with Fails..
    Bannon ( Ban on) facts ..
    Expect more Hillary jail attacks..
    As the Trump campaign sails…
    into oblivion

  8. Ronald August 24, 2016 9:39 am

    Good rhyming! LOL

  9. Ronald August 26, 2016 10:29 am

    You are absolutely correct, Rational Lefty!

  10. Princess Leia August 26, 2016 1:03 pm

    To add to that, regarding the media’s coverage of it: It’s not just “Clinton Says,” it’s fact and the media should do their duty and report it as such.

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