Senator Ted Kennedy Dies

I woke up this morning to the inevitable, but still shocking, news that the greatest Senator of our time, Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts, had passed away overnight from a brain tumor.

My emotions about this are very strong, and it is obvious that this is a great loss for the nation, as well as the Kennedy family.

More will be said about this tragic event later today when I have time to reflect on what this man’s public career has meant to all of us, and what effect it might have on the future.

One comment on “Senator Ted Kennedy Dies

  1. Tate August 28, 2009 10:42 pm

    I also sat for a moment and realized that we had lost a very respected leader. A man that will be celebrated by men and women from both sides of the aisle.

    What’s more, my thoughts became darker as I realized that we don’t have many “great” leaders anymore. How sad is it that the best the Republicans could offer the presidency last year was an old neo-con and a woman from Alaska that doesn’t hold the credentials to babysit as far as I’m concerned.

    Within this thinking I (you reading) must take some blame. We have steadily become dumbed-down – always looking to entertain ourselves – while education (and the education of our children), grasping a global understanding, and understanding our history (both past and present) have been set aside.

    I recently watched re-run of a Jay Leno comedy skit in which he goes out into the street and asks basic (typically history) type questions to the general public. The answers were embarrassing but gave my a glimpse of what our populus has become….lazy, uneducated, and oblivious to many things (like the loss of civil liberties over the last few years, etc.).

    Without men like Kennedy I am hard pressed to point the finger at anyone coming down the pike that I would lay my absolute trust in to lead this country/ or impact it like senators and congressman can.

    While Kennedy’s death is a tremendous immediate loss I think his passing sheds a strong light on the lack of leadership we have/ will have in this country in the future.

    Sarah Palin, are you kidding me? As far as I’m concerned….if you gave her a lamp-post and a well traveled corner to stand on she might be worth the time. Otherwise….please make her go away!

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