Day: March 16, 2021

Wisconsin Republican Senator Ron Johnson Emerges As Unapologetically Racist, A Variation Of Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy Sixty Years Ago!

Wisconsin Republican Senator Ron Johnson defeated the superb Senator Russ Feingold for his Senate seat in 2010 and 2016, a shocking state of affairs!

Johnson has embarrassed himself and his state with his outrageous racist and moronic utterances over the past ten years, but now he has gone beyond the pale in trying to claim that the January 6 Capitol Insurrection was really not so, even though five people died, and many Capitol Police were badly injured, in the process of the destruction and desecration in that building, the first time since the War of 1812!

And Johnson defends the white supremacists and racists who stormed the building, and says he would be more worried if Black Lives Matter demonstrators and Antifa, both promoting social justice and opposing Trump Fascism, had been involved in the attack.

Hopefully, Johnson will not run for reelection, but if he does, the motivation must be to remove from the Senate, as he is a total disgrace.

It reminds one of the similar tragedy of anti Communist “witch hunter” Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin defeating the great progressive Republican Senator Robert La Follette Jr, for his Senate seat in 1946, and then unleashing the disgraceful Red Scare, known as McCarthyism from 1950-1954.

And McCarthy’s chief aide, the infamous Roy Cohn, ended up later as an advisor to businessman Donald Trump, so the curse of Roy Cohn stretched from Joseph McCarthy, a true demagogic Fascist, to Donald Trump, another true demagogic Fascist!