Day: August 16, 2016

Bringing Up Bill Clinton’s Past Of No Interest To A Vast Majority Of Potential Voters Who Look At It As History, Not Relevant To Today!

Bill Clinton’s past history with women remains reprehensible, and it led to his impeachment and trial in 1998-1999, but it is not a winning strategy for Republicans, and particularly Donald Trump, to bring up.

Blaming Hillary Clinton’s for her husband’s behavior also will not work.

Donald Trump brought up the issue awhile back, but it did not resonate, as Trump’s private life is, if anything, even more scandalous.

Also, one has to consider that Bill Clinton is old news to a large percentage of the population who are too young to know much about the details, and are unlikely to care, as it is ancient history in their minds, and many young people are accustomed to hearing discussion of sexual impropriety, and right or wrong, it has no or little effect on them.

Very religious people may be upset, but the power of religion over young people, and really the vast majority of the nation now, is very tenuous.

The only thing that is true is that if Bill Clinton continues to have scandalous behavior in the present or in the future as potential “First Gentleman”. then it could have a deleterious effect on his wife’s Presidency.

But right now, any further revival of the history of Bill Clinton’s sex life will be counterproductive for the Republicans and Donald Trump.