
Gerald Ford’s Pardoning Of Richard Nixon 44 Years Ago Today Should NOT Be Repeated For Donald Trump When And If Mike Pence Becomes President

On this day, 44 years ago, President Gerald Ford pardoned former President Richard Nixon, immediately undermining his Presidency, and insuring his defeat in a close race with Jimmy Carter for a full term in the Presidency in the election of 1976.

Ford was appointed Vice President under the terms of the 25th Amendment in October 1973, and confirmed and sworn in two months later, after Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned due to his own scandalous behavior.

Gerald Ford had nothing to do with the Watergate scandal, but by pardoning Nixon, while others involved in the scandal went to prison, he became highly controversial, and was attacked and vilified by many.

A quarter century later, however, Ford’s reputation revived, when a major critic, Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts, arranged for an award to be given to the former President, the John F. Kennedy library “Profile in Courage Award”.

Ford looks much better in history now, and in many ways, is the model of what an old style Republican President should be like, in the age of Donald Trump.

But this occasion of the pardoning of Richard Nixon brings to mind the idea that at some point, Donald Trump might be pardoned for his crimes, and the answer should be absolutely not, as Trump has gone way beyond Richard Nixon in his crimes, and will be shown to have committed treason, which no one has ever said Nixon did.

IF Vice President Mike Pence overcomes suspicions of his own collaboration and involvement in this massive scandal we are dealing with now, the worst thing he could do is pardon Donald Trump.

Unfortunately, there is no legal way to prevent such an action, but if it occurs, there will be a firestorm much worse than Ford experienced in 1974, and it would insure that Mike Pence would have no chance to be elected for a full term.

It would also further cement the demise of the Republican Party reputation, and likely, the future of the party under that name, and it could lead to the destruction of that party apparatus, and its replacement by a new mainstream conservative oriented political party.

The Public Commemoration Of John McCain Should NOT Be Repeated When Donald Trump’s Life Ends

The public commemoration and celebration of the life of Senator John McCain of Arizona at his funeral is a wonderful moment in American history, designed to remind us and future generations of this great man.

But this national ceremony seriously should NOT be repeated in the future when Donald Trump’s time on earth comes to an end.

One might ask: Why so “hardhearted”, why so “harsh and vindictive” a viewpoint as this one?

The reason is clear, and is becoming more so every day: Donald Trump is a TRAITOR, who collaborated with the Russians, and was able to “win” the election through fraud and deceit, something never anywhere matched in American history by any President.

We have had our traitors, and one was the 10th President, John Tyler, who when the Civil War came on, gave up his loyalty to the Union that he had led for three years and 11 months from 1841-1845. Tyler renounced his citizenship, and was chosen as part of the Confederate Congress in 1861, a regrettable action, which would stain his reputation forever. When he died in early 1862, the US government refused to recognize officially that he had passed away, and refused to lower the flags to half staff, which is traditional for any President up to now, except John Tyler.

The behavior and actions of Donald Trump merit an equivalent response in the future, so when the time comes, there should be no official recognition of his death, and no flying of the American flag at half staff. Of course, the news media will cover the reality of Trump’s demise, and private citizens could fly their own flags at half staff, but officially, there should be no honors or recognition of Trump.

There also should be no official national funeral, although clearly funeral services would be organized, and would be reported.

And there should be no official financial support of a Donald Trump Presidential Library and Museum, with federal taxpayer dollars, for the building or the support of such library and museum in the long term future.

Instead, like with Richard Nixon originally, private money and support built the museum. Only when it was finally accepted that the Nixon Library and Museum would tell the honest story of Nixon and Watergate, was it permitted that it become part of the Presidential Library system and have public taxpayer support for its further growth and development.

This blogger visited the Nixon Library and Museum in 2017, and was very impressed with the validity and truth presented by the massive revision of exhibits, a balanced portrait of Nixon and his life, and no more covering up of the wrongs perpetrated by Nixon and his collaborators in trying to undermine democracy.

If in the future, a Trump Library and Museum is willing to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the life and Presidency of Donald Trump, including all of the evils and shortcomings, and lawlessness that Trump and his lackeys engaged in, then public funding and support, as with the Nixon case, would be appropriate.

The point is that “the truth shall set you free” should be the motto, and future generations should know of the treason and sins of the 45th President, so that hopefully, never again, will the United States and our democracy be subjected to another nightmare similar to the one we are going through now in 2018!

Treason In US History: Benedict Arnold, Aaron Burr, John Tyler, Jefferson Davis, And Now Donald Trump

Treason is a tough issue to approach.

Certainly, Benedict Arnold committed treason, and is condemned for it in history, when he attempted to hand over West Point, New York and its thousands of soldiers to the British in 1780, during the American Revolution.

Some observers think Aaron Burr may have committed treason after leaving the Vice Presidency in 1805, attempting to seize part of the Louisiana Territory or take away Spanish territories further west. He was arrested, brought to trial for treason, and Chief Justice John Marshall ruled he had not committed treason by the normal definition, and conspiracy without actions should not lead to conviction. Still, many people then and since, think Burr was guilty of treason.

President John Tyler gave up his citizenship, and supported the Confederate States of America, becoming part of the provisional Confederate Congress in 1861, before his death in 1862, therefore committing treason.

Jefferson Davis committed treason, as President of the Confederate States of America, as did Vice President Alexander Stephens and other public officals, and arguably, General Robert E. Lee, and other Confederate generals, as well.

And now, it is becoming more likely that the 45th President, Donald Trump, has committed treason by colluding with the Russians to fix the Presidential election of 2016. The President is indicting himself by his own Twitter comments, and contradictory statements being made on a regular basis, and he exudes guilt, and has for many months.

The Robert Mueller investigation is mounting evidence that is leading to that conclusion, and the Southern District of New York investigation, particularly in relation to Michael Cohen, is also moving in that direction.

A proposal that I would wish to make regarding this whole situation.

John Tyler, when he died, was not accorded the normal situation of a President who passes away—that is, flying the flag at half staff, and giving a President a state funeral.

The same, of course, was the case with Jefferson Davis.

So it seems appropriate to say that when Donald Trump passes away, no matter what happens in the interim regarding the present investigation of his behavior and actions, there should be no flying the flags at half staff, and no state funeral, as a traitor should not be accorded such an honor.

Of course, his death and burial would be reported, but it should not be given the dignity of what every other President, except John Tyler, was accorded!

100 Days To What? Another “Fixed” Election, Solidifying Trump Authoritarianism As Future Of Our Democracy, Now Under Attack?

We are down to 100 days tomorrow to the Midterm Elections of 2018, which will have a dramatic effect on America and its future, more than any previous midterm election.

Usually, much more attention is paid to the years of presidential elections, but with Donald Trump in the Presidency, and threatening the economic and foreign policy stability of the nation, and posing an authoritarian threat unseen in American history, these upcoming elections are crucial.

42 House seats that were Republican are now vacant or the sitting member will be leaving office, and will have a new Congressperson, and that seems to insure a gain of seats by the Democrats, who only need 23 seats minimum to have a majority of the House of Representatives.

But with Russian interference and hacking again taking place, who can say whether we will get fair, honest election results?

The news media must continue to focus on the facts, and not be diverted by fake accusations of Donald Trump, and his attack on them as “enemies of the people”, a typical totalitarian statement made by Fascist and Communist dictators past and present.

Even as Secretary of Defense James Mattis, FBI head Christopher Wray, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, CIA head Gina Haspel, and many others in the intelligence and national security community continually warn of Russian interference, Donald Trump continues to attack intelligence information and the news media for reporting it.

if that is not treason, then what is it?

Trump’s “Bromance” with Vladimir Putin, including his now delayed invitation for Putin to come to the White House, and Putin inviting him to Moscow, with the likelihood of more private meetings without the participation of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Secretary of Defense James Mattis, or National Security Adviser John Bolton, or other key individuals, is an alarm bell in the night, that must concern and alarm all patriotic Americans.

Bob Dole And John McCain: True War Heroes; Donald Trump: True Coward, Draft Dodger, And Traitor To America!

Today is former Senator, Vice Presidential nominee, and Presidential nominee Bob Dole’s 95th Birthday.

Next month, on August 29, God willing, will be the 82nd Birthday of Senator and Presidential nominee John McCain.

Both Dole and McCain certainly were partisans in the political battles over the last few decades, but both were also war heroes, who suffered and continue to suffer great pain, from their participation in World War II and the Vietnam War.

In many ways, it is a miracle that both have survived so long, and that McCain, fighting cancer, continues to battle with great courage.

Both served their nation in different wars, and did not try to evade a military commitment.

Both are great men, whether one agrees with their political careers and their rhetoric and votes on a myriad of issues.

Then, tragically, we now have a President who has proved to be a true coward, a draft dodger with five deferments (using bone spurs in his foot as an excuse to avoid service, and having the financial connections to evade service while others went to war), and to top it off, a proved traitor to America.

Donald Trump has refused to acknowledge clearly and openly that the Russian government under Vladimir Putin engaged in and continues to engage in collusion to help Trump win the White House over an avowed Putin critic, Hillary Clinton. He has disgraced America while undermining our allies in NATO, and endangered our national security.

And Trump still is an open critic of John McCain as he fights cancer, a true measure of how disgusting and despicable the 45th President is.

So today is a day to applaud Bob Dole, and to pray for John McCain to reach his 82nd birthday on August 29, and to work to force Donald Trump from the Presidency, as a man who has undermined the reputation and image of the office held by others who were great men, and even those not great, at least having dignity and honor despite their faults.

The Danger Of A Manufactured Or Real September 11 Equivalent Crisis Leading To Donald Trump Declaring Martial Law And Suspending The Constitution And Bill of Rights

After the debacle of yesterday, all Americans must be concerned about the danger of a manufactured or real September 11 equivalent crisis leading to Donald Trump declaring martial law, and suspending the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

The danger of a terrorist attack is still present, but also, no one can trust Donald Trump in planning a “Reichstag Fire” incident to allow him to become an authoritarian dictator, as occurred in Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler in 1933.

The one third base would willingly give up their civil liberties and civil rights, with their blind and inane loyalty to Trump, and we could see a crackdown much greater than the two “Red Scares” that occurred in 1919-1920 under Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer after World War I, and under Senator Joseph McCarthy from 1950-1954, as well as the civil liberties violations under Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War.

It is urgent that more Republicans in Congress speak out and demand action against the abuses of power of Donald Trump, and his national security and intelligence officials need to work together to force Vice President Mike Pence and the cabinet to meet and take action under the 25th Amendment, Section 4, but it seems highly unlikely that any of this will happen.

So civil war is a terrifying possibility, not out of the realm of reality, and could make the Civil War of 150 years ago repeat itself, with the danger of widespread bloodshed, something that all government officials should work to avoid, by putting the nation over the loyalty to one man. Trump is a true demagogue who is the greatest danger to our nation in American history, as a lackey of a foreign power that wishes to weaken and divide us.

Why did Donald Trump insist on being alone with Vladimir Putin of Russia, and making decisions that no one else can be aware of, and his refusal to listen to top officials who warned him against what he was doing? What deep, dark secret is Donald Trump harboring that endangers our nation? Why is he giving aid and comfort to our enemies, a clear sign of treason?

This is not hyperbole, but real time alarm being expressed not just by this author, but by millions of patriotic Americans who treasure our Constitution and Bill of Rights, and all of the strides forward that have been made over two centuries to make the Founding Fathers’ experiment improve the lives and fortunes of our nation in both domestic and foreign policy.

Trump-Putin Summit Clear Indication Of Treason, And Danger To Pursuit Of The Entire Truth Of The 2016 Presidential Election

Watching the Trump-Putin Summit Press Conference in Helsinki, Finland, brings confirmation that the 45th President of the United States has committed, and continues to commit treason, favoring the Russian Federation over the national security interests of the United States.

Putin won just by the fact that Trump agreed to meet him, with Russia having a weak economy and suffering from economic sanctions put upon his nation by the international community after the invasion of the Crimean area of Ukraine in 2014.

Putin leads a country which has a very small Gross National Product, and has nuclear weapons that are a fraction of what the United States has, and yet Trump makes “friends” and “trusts” Putin, while denouncing Theresa May, Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel, and Justin Trudeau.

Trump calls the European Union our “foe”, and has set out to destroy the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and continues to denounce the Robert Mueller investigation of Russian collusion in the Presidential Election of 2016.

Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and even Red Scare demagogue Senator Joseph McCarthy are rolling over in their graves.

If any member of the Trump Administration cares more for his nation than his job, he or she should resign enmasse now, or be seen as complicit in “high crimes and misdemeanors”, specifically treason.

Vice President Mike Pence should confer with the Cabinet Officers, and invoke the 25th Amendment Section 4 immediately, or be also declared a traitor to America, with the only way to save his reputation being showing leadership in this greatest moment of threat to our Republic since the Civil War.

For Trump to decide to trust Putin over the national security, diplomatic, and intelligence community is a total outrage. Putin and his team are rejoicing how they have managed to compromise and manipulate a man who should never have been President in the first place, and only won due to Russian collusion.

Putin is responsible for downing of passenger jets; murdering journalists; poisoning and assassinating people in their homes on foreign soil; killing with radiation and military grade nerve agents; and sponsoring far right white supremacist groups on two continents.

It is time for mass marches all over the nation every weekend demanding the resignation, or arrest of the traitor in the White House, no better than Benedict Arnold in the American Revolution, as he has undermined our nation’s defenses against future manipulation of our democracy by Russia, which is sure to happen again.

And the Mueller investigation MUST continue unimpeded, or else the Constitution and Bill of Rights are in shreds! Thirty five indictments, six guilty pleas (including the National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and the Trump Campaign Chair Paul Manafort), and one conviction are just the tip of the iceberg!

If the American people do not come out in droves and kick the Republicans out of control of Congress, then the American people will deserve what they get, a move toward a Fascist, totalitarian government manipulated by Vladimir Putin!

The President of the United States is supposed to make sure that the laws are faithfully executed, and promote the rule of law. Donald Trump has totally failed at this responsibility in favor of being a “friend” of a Russian oligarch. He needs to be brought to justice, and sentenced to life in prison for his crimes—-Russian collusion, obstruction of justice, abuse of power, violation of the Emoluments Clause, and crimes by his cabinet officers, the most egregious of any President in American history!

Independence Day 2018: The Greatest Crisis In American History, With Evidence Of Russian Collusion In Our Government

Today is Independence Day, the 242nd anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.

America has gone through many crises and challenges over those 242 years.

But now we face the reality of what is the greatest crisis in our years of independence, with evidence of Russian collusion in our government, and likely continuing into the future.

This is not a conspiracy theory, but reality, as even the Republican controlled Senate Intelligence Committee, under the leadership of North Carolina Republican Senator Richard Burr, asserts, with the entire committee unanimous in its conclusion that the intelligence agencies and national security apparatus has been accurate in its assessment.

Donald Trump is clearly a traitor, undermining our democracy and our history of proud independence, and ready to sell America down the river.

And yet his party, with a few exceptions, remains unwilling to face the challenge presented by Donald Trump, and the damage he is doing to our national security, foreign policy, and alliance system with the nations of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which has promoted a stable world since the end of World War II.

There are widespread feelings of despair and hopelessness being expressed, including when this blogger gives lectures on public affairs and history to groups all over South Florida.

Many feel the country is being destroyed by a vehement base of ignorant, prejudiced, and clueless people who fail to see the damage that has been done by Donald Trump in the three years since he announced his candidacy.

But the nation and its good majority cannot give up, must resist in every way possible, and restore our democracy and heritage, so that our children and grandchildren can live in a land still affected by the vision of the Founding Fathers in the 18th century!

Stormy Daniels Scandal Not Going Away, And Neither Is Robert Mueller: Dual Threats To Trump Presidency

The Stormy Daniels Scandal is not going away, and it is causing Donald Trump to avoid commenting on Twitter or in public utterances, very unlike the behavior of the 45th President.

And Trump is having great trouble finding good attorneys to supplement his defense against the upcoming interview with Robert Mueller, which assuredly will not save him, his family, and his administration from a massive series of indictments and convictions, including the removal of the President sooner rather than later.

Trump is doomed, and he knows it, and his administration will go down, ultimately, as the most corrupt administration in all of American history, worse than Richard Nixon, Warren G. Harding, and Ulysses S. Grant, with the latter two not personally involved, as Nixon was, so Nixon and Trump will be in exclusive company with each other.

But Nixon will, by comparison, look like a choir boy in the extent and seriousness of scandals.

Trump will be seen as a traitor; as a person who obstructed justice; as a President who broke the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution; as a Chief Executive abusing power; as someone who openly colluded with Russia in fixing the Presidential Election of 2016; as a leader involved in illegal financial activities that could land him in prison in New York, outside of the Presidency itself, and also put his family members in prison as well.

Donald Trump will rue the day that he decided to seek the White House!

Trump’s Downfall: His Firing Of James Comey And Andrew McCabe, And They Will Bring Him Down!

When the Trump Presidency comes to an end very soon, we will look back and realize that through all of the turmoil and craziness of his time in office, it will be fatal errors on Trump’s part that bring him down.

The first blunder was the firing of FBI head James Comey, which led to the appointment ten months ago of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and now after ten months, Mueller is hot on the trail of the Trump scandals, and Trump is certain to be removed from office by one method or another, and will be seen as a traitor to America, and a lackey of Vladimir Putin.

The second miscue was the firing of Andrew McCabe, who was Acting Head of the FBI after Comey’s firing, until Christopher Wray was appointed and confirmed.

Both Comey and McCabe, along with Robert Mueller, are Republicans, but now both of them are working with Mueller, and both have notes about their meetings with Trump, and they insure the downfall of Donald Trump.

There is no out for Donald Trump, as he has undermined himself!

Mess with the FBI, and you are undermining oneself, but Trump was too stupid to realize that, so he will pay the price, which will disgrace him in the long run of history.

And anyone who supported Trump, and many who still do, will forever be labeled what they are–selfish ignorant, and clueless human beings!