Donald Trump: Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde Of American Politics, Making Him The Most Dangerous President In American History!

Donald Trump is the oddest person ever to be President of the United States.

He loves himself to the extreme; brags about his apartment in Trump Tower and his estate at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida; keeps on reminding us that he is President; makes the most weird faces imaginable; rants and raves when things do not go his way; and does not have a decent bone in his body.

He is a psychopath and sociopath, with control over the nuclear codes, a terrifying prospect, that he has the power, all by himself, to destroy the world or any part of it, in a fit of rage.

Many have said that he can be charming or rational at least some of the time, and he can pass that way when he is on script with a teleprompter, which he used to ridicule Barack Obama for utilizing, so that he would say the proper statements, and avoid problems by ad libbing too much.

But when Trump goes off script, he makes a fool of himself, and embarrasses everyone who has a brain and a sense of dignity and proper behavior.

He attacks the news media, which is what keeps us free.

He attacks a reputable US Senator, John McCain, suffering from brain cancer.

He implies that the Democratic party is close to Communism.

He attacks his own party leadership in the Senate, particularly Mitch McConnell, and then expects cooperation on legislation.

All this occurred last night in Phoenix, as he also praised a lawbreaker, former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, and suggested he would pardon him before sentencing.

He could be said to have dual personalities, and really is a split personality. He is really like Robert Louis Stevenson’s gothic novella, THE STRANGE CASE OF DR JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE.

Maybe one fourth of the time, he is Dr. Jekyll, but then the other 75 percent of the time, he is Mr. Hyde, an evil, dangerous man who could destroy the world, and is already damaging the legacy of Presidents since Theodore Roosevelt.

This is a great tragedy for America, and might take decades to reverse, if indeed, we are still here if Trump ever goes completely bonkers and initiates nuclear war!