Shepard Smith

The Poisonous Nature Of Fox News Channel Deadens The Brain!

Chris Wallace is no longer with Fox News Channel!

Shepard Smith is no longer with Fox News Channel!

Any decent journalist would NOT work for Fox News Channel, which preaches lies, mistruths, misinformation, and promotes sedition and treason after the January 6, 2021 Insurrection at the US Capitol, inspired by Donald Trump!

Fox News Channel has anchors in the evening who are truly massive liars and deceivers, including Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Laura Ingraham, all of whom are vaccinated but do not promote vaccination and masks!

All of these individuals were concerned and alarmed by January 6, and we know they tried to contact Donald Trump, but now they ignore reality and facts, and inspire the Republican Party in its self destruction!

All of these individuals denounce people of principle, who are strongly conservative, such as Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger and the small band of Republicans who believe in the rule of law and the Constitution, and want Donald Trump and his minions held accountable!

Fox News Channel promotes fear, ignorance, and hate; sees the world as simple and black and white; distrusts science and education; supports government by the wealthiest, with no concern for the poor and middle classes; and endorses religion in schools and government, rather than the basic constitutional principle of separation of church and state!

Fox News Channel has become the “Bible” for a majority of people best defined as white supremacists, antisemites, Islamophobes, nativists, misogynists, and homophobes!

The poisonous nature of Fox News Channel, and also One America News Network (OANN) and Newsmax TV, which are even worse, imagine that, helps deaden the brain of common sense and common decency!

Fox News Channel’s Speakers For The Truth: Shepard Smith And Chris Wallace

Liberals and progressives have long pilloried Fox News Channel for its distorted, biased, and misleading coverage of the news, particularly now about Donald Trump.

However, while it is true that many of their journalists, and particularly their talk show hosts (including Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Tucker Carlson, Judge Jeanine Pirro), are constantly engaged in this malpractice, it is important to salute two speakers for the truth, who are not intimidated one iota by the propagandists up high.

These are Shepard Smith, who is on at the 3 pm daily hour Monday to Friday, and Chris Wallace, who has a weekly show on Sunday mornings on Fox.

They have both been honorable and courageous, and have not caved in to Donald Trump, and they are both refreshing, and give some hope that their honesty and decency might permeate Fox News, and make them aware of the dangers Donald Trump presents to the Constitution, and to our domestic and foreign policy.

Trump’s “Spygate” Claim: Repudiated By Trey Gowdy, Andrew Napolitano, Shepard Smith, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, And Other “Allies” Of Trump

Donald Trump promoting a “Spygate” claim, that his Presidential campaign was illegally spied upon, and his continued charge of a “witch hunt” going on with his administration being illegally investigated, is all preposterous and just in his sick head.

Even Republicans, conservatives, and Fox News Channel personalities are dismissing such crazy talk.

Congressman Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, Fox News Channel’s well known conservative attorney Andrew Napolitano and talk show host Shepard Smith, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul Ryan have all rejected such accusations.

Donald Trump is showing more maniacal and conspiratorial behavior by the day, and yet, no real move against the dangers of his mental instability are evident within his party or his cabinet and advisers.

So the danger to the nation and the world grows exponentially, and it is time to end this nightmare, but no sign of any such action coming, a very depressing situation!

Fox News Channel Promoting False Concept Of “Coup” Against Donald Trump By Robert Mueller, When The Threat Is Of Trump Grabbing Absolute Power!

Fox News Channel is engaged in a full scale promotion of the concept of a “coup” being waged against President Donald Trump by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

That right wing propaganda channel, which ignorant, uninformed people think is a news channel, is stirring up hatemongers and congressional Republicans to wage war on Mueller and his investigation of the numerous Trump scandals.

Particularly disgraceful and despicable are Sean Hannity and Judge Jeanine Pirro, both highly trained in sensationalism, hyperbole, and conspiracy theories.

They are enriching themselves in the process of their sycophantic worship of the most dangerous President in American history.

One or both could be swept up in the scandals, as both have links to the White House, and are willing to spread lies on a daily basis.

Only Shepard Smith is gutsy and courageous enough to contradict these sycophants and others at Fox News Channel.

Additionally, there are a large group of principled conservatives who have been critical of and have denounced Donald Trump since before he won the Presidency in a false manner. The list of such conservatives and Republicans is long and distinguished, although it does not include many elected Republicans.

The reality is Hannity and Pirro are promoting the concept of a coup to seize absolute power, and suspend the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, and promote the closing down of a free media, and a judiciary that defends the rule of law. They are supportive of a maniacal, unstable President who admires the authoritarianism of Vladimir Putin, who clearly has a hold over him, and helped him to win the Presidential Election of 2016 in an unethical and illegal manner.

Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, vice chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, warned us of the threat of the firing of Robert Mueller, and if that occurs, the people must go out into the streets of every American city in large numbers to protest and resist such unconstitutional grabbing of power by the 45th President.

Triumph For The September 11 First Responders Medical Care Legislation! :)

As I write, the 9/11 First Responders Medical Care Act has passed its last hurdles to passage, and being signed into law by President Obama.

The threatened “hold” of Oklahoma Republican Senator Tom Coburn was overcome with a voice vote, and after a little tinkering with the cost, which is fully paid for.

The fact that the legislation was held hostage by Senate GOP leadership is an absolute disgrace, and they were shamed into allowing action finally, after condemnation by Jon Stewart of the Comedy Channel, former New York City Mayor Rudy Guiliani, and even Fox News Channel’s Shepard Smith! 🙁

The idea that Senator Coburn, himself a so called medical doctor, opposed passage and tried to bottleneck it, should be condemned as absolutely despicable and unconscionable behavior, unbecoming any United States Senator! 🙁

But as we know, these past two years have seen example after interminable example of outrageous behavior and statements by a party which used to be seen as respectable, but now is seen as representing the loonies, rather than the mainstream of America! 🙁

The fact that our “heroes” of September 11 will finally get some well deserved justice and financial support for their sacrifices nine years ago is to be hailed as a great moment in the history of our nation, as what they did is no different than what our freedom fighters have done throughout our history on the battlefields of the world, promoting freedom and liberty in the name of our ideals! 🙂

The nation should be blessing our 111th Congress for the great deed they have finally achieved!