Republican Congress

Is Donald Trump On Road To Being International War Criminal By His Stated Views On Torture, Oil, And Punishment Of Terrorist Families?

It looks, at least by Donald Trump rhetoric that the 45th President of the United States is on the road to being an international war criminal, if he were to follow through on his stated views on torture, the oil of Iraq, and punishment of terrorist families.

It is clear that waterboarding and similar tortures utilized by George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Donald Rumsfeld a decade ago in the Iraq War was criminal activity against the Geneva Convention and international standards of proper behavior toward detainees in war.

The top people around Donald Trump–Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly, and Secretary of Defense James Mattis, have all stated their opposition to revival of this tactic, along with CIA Director Mike Pompeo.

But that does not mean that Trump would not order it be done, but if so, all of these people should make clear to him that if he does so, that they will resign. Otherwise, they would also be war criminals.

Trump’s statement that America might invade Iraq again, and seize their oil, is also an international war crime, no different than the tactics of Adolf Hitler.

And his idea that the families of suspected or actual terrorists should be subject to punishment, including bombing their homes, and imprisonment and execution, is also, definitely, a war crime.

We have a megalomaniac, a dangerous, mentally unhinged President, who is disgracing us before the world community, and he needs to be arrested and sent to the Hague to the International War Crimes Tribunal in the Hague, the Netherlands, IF he follows through on any of these threats.

And being an international war criminal is enough grounds for his immediate removal by impeachment, and if the Republican Congress refused to do so, they would be accessories to war crimes.

The Insanity And Closed Mind Of Trump Supporters! Time To Wake Up To Reality!

Donald Trump supporters are insane, and have a closed mind!

They want a person who is a bully, a narcissist, born to fortune and inheritance, who has failed in marriage and in business so many times, but knows how to use the bankruptcy laws and take advantage of average Americans in the process.

These people complain about the national government not working, but fail to realize it is not the fault of Barack Obama, but rather Congressional Republicans who refuse to do their job, and are only out to obstruct!

And the truth is that it is the STATE and LOCAL governments, most of them now Republican, which are not doing the job their constituents have a right to expect.

Just look at the horrendous list of Republican Governors, and just how bad they are in dealing with public issues, and the outrageous incompetency of Republican controlled state legislatures, which work against the interests of the people of their state!  And the horrible county governments, mostly Republicans, who are as corrupt and full of conflicts of interest that far outweigh even the Republican controlled Congress!

The old saying is that the people get the kind of government that they deserve, and that is certainly true of those who have put the GOP in national, state and local government positions of authority!

So, Trump supporters, wake up and smell the flowers, that Donald Trump is no better than the corrupt party which is trying to prevent his nomination for the Presidency.

In fact, he is, if anything more of a used car salesman, a loose cannon, who promises the world, and yet is totally unpredictable, and highly dangerous!

One can be absolutely certain that he would disappoint and disillusion millions of gullible voters, who would not quickly realize that he is a total phony, but when they did, the reaction of hate would be massive, and further undermine trust in ANY government level in the United States!

Meanwhile, we would have massive damage to the American economy, and likely be in several foreign wars, and enrich the billionaire class even more than  it is right now!

So, those who support Trump, WAKE UP to reality!

Donald Trump And Ted Cruz: The Evil Combination And Double Threat To American Values And Decency!

Donald Trump continues to dominate public opinion polls, and behind him and rising is Texas Senator Ted Cruz.

Cruz is unique in the fact that he will NOT criticize anything Trump says about anything, and this is clearly a campaign ploy, as Cruz believes that Trump will not be the party’s nominee, and that he will be able to inherit his supporters.

It seems clear that Trump supporters, when asked, will only consider Cruz as an alternative, and Cruz is suddenly working, also, on improving his image with reporters and fellow politicians, as he has a horrible image as a nasty, egotistical, brusque individual!

One can be assured it is all a “charm offensive” by Cruz, but anyone who has followed his Senate career KNOWS that Cruz is the most dangerous, most extreme, most hateful potential GOP nominee, bar none, even more than Trump on some issues like gay rights and climate change.  Cruz’s extreme right wing Christianity, fueled by his right wing pastor dad’s hateful rants on all kinds of issues, is a warning sign of the danger he represents, were he to become the GOP Presidential nominee.

Cruz has an uncanny similarity to the infamous “witch hunter” of the 1950s Red Scare, Senator Joseph McCarthy, and his lack of ethics and decency is a shared trait.

Cruz would take us back, if given power, and a Republican Congress, to the Gilded Age, as he opposes just about everything that progressives have accomplished since the time of Republican Theodore Roosevelt.

Every indication is, however, that Cruz as the nominee of his party, would cause a massive landslide defeat, a la Barry Goldwater a half century ago in 1964!

But no sane individual would want to test a chance of the possibility of a President Trump OR a President Cruz!