National Youth Administration

The Urgent, Dire Need Nationally For Public Works Projects!

During the Great Depression of the 1930s, the federal government, under the New Deal of Franklin D. Roosevelt, invested in public works projects of all kinds, through the WPA (Works Projects Administration), PWA (Public Works Administration), the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps), the NYA (National Youth Administration) and other government agencies.

Improvements and expansion of bridges, tunnels, canals, highways, national parks, national forest land, schools, libraries, hospitals, post offices, military and naval bases, city and state public buildings, and support of historical projects, artistic work, music, theater, and other creative activities, all gave hope to millions of Americans and improved the quality of life in America!

Here we are 80 years later, and the same challenges beckon us, as there is a terrible crisis of work NOT done on transportation, conservation, education, health care, homeland security and a myriad of other activities that need public investment and support!

What are we waiting for? How can we remain competitive if we do not invest in the future of our nation?

This is not the time for politics, but action!

The URGENT Need For Public Works Projects And Infrastructure Improvements!

With more than 14 million people out of work, and a 9.2 percent unemployment rate officially, and probably a REAL unemployment rate of 14 percent or more, it is an URGENT need for President Obama to call upon Congress for public works projects and infrastructure improvements!

One may ask what are the odds that such a program would make it through the House of Representatives with a Republican majority, and a Senate where the Republicans could filibuster such legislation!

That is not really the point, as this is a MORAL cause, not just for the workers who would benefit and pay taxes and improve the country, but for all of us, who would benefit from improvements in our roads, bridges, canals, rivers, lakes, tunnels, national parks, parks, schools, hospitals and all other public places!

We need what Franklin D. Roosevelt promoted in the 1930s as part of his New Deal–the Civilian Conservation Corps, the Works Projects Administration, the Public Works Administration, the National Youth Administration–to give opportunity and hope to our citizenry and make this country a better place!

And if such promotion of public works fails to pass, President Obama can use it as a campaign issue agaInst the Republicans, and how can anyone imagine losing votes on the concept of job opportunity for those out of work?

So this is a winning issue, both for its morality and righteousness, and politically as well, because, assuredly, the Republican Party will fight it tooth and nail to the bitter end, since they have NO interest in creating jobs, and have done nothing to promote it in the seven months they have controlled the House of Representatives!

So Barack Obama should pursue this, and tell the Republicans to “Bring It On”, the fight that will ensue over it!