House Ways and Means Committee

Should Congressman Paul Ryan Have Ultimate Control Of The National Budget? NO! :(

One of the earliest planned actions of the House Republicans, once they take control on Wednesday, is to propose that House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin be given total control over the House budget as it will go through the House Ways and Means Committee.

If this happens, it will be an unprecedented move, giving one member of the House total control, without a vote on each part of the budget by the entire House of Representatives.

Ryan, while regarded by some as very bright and talented a legislator, has a very extreme view of budgetary matters, with the emphasis on cutting taxes endlessly on the wealthy, and ruthlessly cutting programs on education, health care, social security, the environment, and all other domestic programs.

It is an extreme right wing radical attack on the budgetary process, with the likely outcome being further polarization of the social classes and a direct attack on the whole concept of the New Deal and the Great Society!

It would represent an attempt to take us back to the years before Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lyndon B. Johnson. It would negate much of the 20th century reforms that have advanced this nation into the 21st century!

Fortunately, the Senate and the President would stand in the way, but it will mean total gridlock and stalemate, instead of cooperative progress to deal with the many social and economic issues the country faces in 2011!

It would be a tremendous tragedy of massive proportions, with the outcome for 2012 hard to predict! 🙁

Sad Culmination Of A Political Career: The Censure Of Congressman Charlie Rangel!

Congressman Charlie Rangel of Harlem has been censured by a 333-79 vote in the House of Representatives today for his financial and fund raising abuses over a period of years, a series of actions which embarrassed his colleagues and damaged his reputation after being Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, and a member of the House for 40 years! 🙁

This is indeed a sad moment for both Rangel and the House of Representatives 🙁

Rangel is seen as a nice guy with a winning personality and real concern for his district’s constituents, but he failed to follow basic ethical rules and was sloppy in his reporting and record keeping, possibly by omission and carelessness, although his critics would say because he has, as any long term Congressman or Senator seems to have, a level of arrogance!

Rangel is one of only 23 House members ever to be censured, which requires House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to read out loud the censure text with Rangel in the well of the House as the action takes place!

The problem is when one investigates the other 22 censures, Rangel’s censure seems less outrageous and not illegal, although certainly unethical!

One wonders if Rangel will remain in the House now, even though his constituents voted him in to another two year term, his 21st, by an 80 percent vote!

The Levins, Sander And Carl, And Congressional Power And Influence

The leave of absence of Congressman Charles Rangel as Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee opens the door to Congressman Sander Levin of Michigan to become its new Chairman, after 28 years in the House.

At the same time, his younger brother, Carl Levin, has been Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee since 2007, and has been representing Michigan in the Senate for 32 years.

So the brothers Levin are in charge of committees dealing with all spending bills and military matters respectively, and that makes them brothers of tremendous power and influence on a level never seen in Congress in its history.

Both have excellent reputations and have served Michigan with distinction, with Carl Levin being the longest serving senator in the history of the state.

The country will be well served with both Levins committed to decent, honest leadership!

Time for Charles Rangel To Resign From Chairmanship Of House Ways And Means Committee

Congressman Charlie Rangel of Harlem has had nearly 40 years of service in the House of Representatives, but is now facing an ethics investigation due to tax problems that he should have been able to avoid.

Being the Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, which deals with all tax legislation, makes things particularly awkward, and it is hurting the image of the Democrats and seems likely to contribute to the danger of the loss of many seats by the Democrats in the 2010 midterm elections for the House.

The Black Caucus is backing Rangel all the way, but frankly, this is not a good move by that caucus, because it leaves the impression that they are only in support of him because of his skin color. This is bad policy making, and no one, black or white or otherwise, should get a “free ride” simply because of that.

For the good of the party, Rangel should voluntarily step down as Chair of the Ways and Means Committee, and should he be cleared eventually of any charges by the Ethics Committee, he could be allowed to regain the chairmanship at a later date.

So, Charlie, for the good of the Democratic party and its future, you need to resign now from a leadership role on your committee!