Big Lie Technique

Mitt Romney Reaches An All Time Low: Emergence Of The “Birther”!

Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney has just reached an all time low in degrading the office he seeks!

Mitt Romney, in his home state of Michigan, just said that there was no debate about where he or his wife were born, as they were born in Michigan hospitals! Specifically, he said “No one has ever asked to see my birth certificate. They know that this is the place where we were born and raised.”

In so doing, he is spreading the sick, vulgar myth that Barack Obama was not born in the United States, but instead in Kenya!

There is absolutely nothing more despicable and disgraceful that Mitt Romney could say about President Obama than to legitimize and spread the lie that the 44th President of the United States is illegitimate to serve in the highest office of the land!

Romney is spreading the poison of hate and racism represented by Orly Taitz, Donald Trump, and the many others who hate Barack Obama because he is African American, and refuse to show respect and a sense of dignity to a President who has faced the greatest challenges of any President in 80 years, since the time of Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Great Depression!

These despicable “Birthers” are promoting the “Big Lie” technique that was utilized in Nazi Germany by Adolf Hitler, and their racism classifies them as no better than the Ku Klux Klan and other violent groups that have made ethnic and racial and religious hatred their purpose and aim throughout American history!

Romney has produced the most sinful accusation for a man who claims to be a person of “faith”, and he adds to the racism that his Mormon Church practiced until 1978, and then suddenly changed!

He cannot be forgiven for such an insult and the degrading of his own reputation, and the American people will pay him handsomely by a repudiation of his divisive, dishonest, unprincipled campaign, which has no limits to his obsessive ambition to be President, no matter how much he divides the nation!

This outrage also makes John McCain, the 2008 Presidential nominee, look so much more principled when he challenged those who spread rumor and gossip and lies about the origins of Barack Obama!

Mitt Romney, you should be totally ashamed of yourself, and make a profusive apology, but one can be sure no such admission is forthcoming!

The Lie About Barack Obama And Israel

For 40 months now, a rumor, and resulting lie, has been spread that Barack Obama is not good for Israel and its security.

Republicans and conservatives have said that Obama is the worst President in history for Israel, and they emphasize that relations between the President and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are frosty at times.

Netanyahu, himself, has cozied up to the Republican Party, since he is basically a conservative in his political views.

But below the surface of what seems to be a breach between Israel and the United States, we now learn that the two nations have been working together to develop cyber weapons to shut down and, ultimately, destroy the ability of Iran to develop nuclear weapons.

This is one of the great collaborations of US history, if one thinks about it, but is often covered up, purposely, in the view of the author of this blog.

It is clear that Barack Obama will go to the extreme to protect our traditional ally, Israel, and that while he and Netanyahu may disagree on details of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, that Obama, who has had more contact with Jews in his life than any other President, and has many Jewish advisers, officially and unofficially, can be relied upon to put the interests of Israel at the top of his foreign policy agenda.

When the history of US-Israel relations under President Obama are written in the future, the “big lie” technique that has been utilized by Republicans and conservatives will be exposed, but already one can see elements of it.

While every President has his critics and detractors, Barack Obama has been subjected to endless attacks and the use of the “big lie” to undermine him, but the truth shall win out, and the critics are still likely to have to deal with the 44th President for another four years, as his efforts for Israel only add to his stature as a diplomat and statesman!

Newt Gingrich’s History Of Smears, And His Self Righteous Smear Against John King Of CNN

Anyone who investigates Newt Gingrich’s long career of twenty years in the House of Representatives, and his involvement in speeches, books, consultancy, and political action since his years in the House, knows that Newt is infamous for his use of political invective to the extreme–character assassination, heated language designed to inflame, innuendos, smears–really anything to gain his goal of “stirring the pot” to promote his own personal agenda.

Newt Gingrich has proved in action and in speech that he has no limits to his indecency, his willingness to destroy the opposition. He has absolutely no ethics, morals, or scruples, and yet he is able to “push the buttons” of ignorant people who will hang on his every word, because of his constant self promotion as an expert, as brilliant, as talented, as more educated and knowledgeable than anyone else. His erratic behavior has been noted even by fellow Republicans, including Rick Santorum in last night’s debate.

Gingrich has once again been, at least temporarily, successful in deflecting criticism of his personal life. He pursued Bill Clinton, but we cannot have the news media do the same to him without his self righteous indignation! He is willing to smear anyone who stands in his way.

To say that cheating on and divorcing two wives, the first with cancer, and the second with multiple sclerosis, is acceptable behavior, shows how crooked and corrupt many evangelical Christians are, who will not display an open mind toward Democrats, the poor, gay Americans, or women who choose to promote their own human rights against the male chauvinism of those who claim divine guidance!

As a result of his ability to manipulate people, Gingrich has now smeared John King of CNN for having the nerve to ask him about his infidelity. And as the audience turned against John King, it has now been revealed by John King that at the first rest break in the debate last night in South Carolina that he approached Gingrich, who was very friendly and warm. King said he was surprised that Gingrich would speak to someone who he called “despicable”, and Gingrich’s response was to smile, and to say that King knew what the game was all about, meaning make your point to gain support from the crowd. After the debate, Gingrich and his wife approached King and continued to be warm and friendly. This shows just how phony Gingrich is!

And when one thinks about it, Gingrich is the later generation of Richard Nixon, who loved to demonize the opposition throughout his career. And he is also the epitome of the “Big Lie” technique, that the more one tells lies, the more people will believe it!

When one thinks back in history, as to whom was the master of the “Big Lie”, one is sobered to realize it was Adolf Hitler!

Orly Taitz, Jerome Corsi, World Net Daily: The Big Lie Technique Of Adolf Hitler Revived!

Orlty Taitz is one of the originators of the “Birther” conspiracy about Barack Obama being born outside the United States, and she has lost cases in court and been fined for her lies and deceit.

Jerome Corsi is a so called professor who has published books promoting lies and conspiracy theories, and is about to publish a new book perpetuating the “Birther” myth to gullible readers!

World Net Daily is a scandal oriented “RAG”, which promotes sensationalism and lies, and has done so about Bill and Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, and now Barack Obama, and has a wide readership despite its accusations that have no basis!

We live in a nation that promotes freedom of speech and freedom of the press, but these characters need to be called out by the mainstream media, and exposed for the phonies and manipulators of truth that they are!

They have all adopted the “Big Lie” technique, so effectively utilized by Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany, which promoted the idea that the more one lies and deceives, the more people will believe it, so never let go, and fight against the truth, and exploit people’s prejudices and biases, all in the process of drawing attention to yourself and making profit in the process!

There should be no doubt left in mainstream media other than to expose and condemn Orly Taitz, Jerome Corsi, and World Net Daily, and all other propaganda that sets out to poison the political fabric of America and destroy any chance for unity and purpose in dealing with the many domestic and foreign policy problems this nation faces in 2011!