An Ocean of Blue Politically and the GOP Boycott of the Budget Bill

A new Gallup poll analysis of the 2008 election indicates a massive shift politically in America, with the nation becoming overwhelmingly blue or Democratic either in victory or in trend.

Only five states are strongly red or Republican, worth only 20 electoral votes. Those states are Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, Alaska and Nebraska.  It is very obvious that the Republican party is in crisis, and their upcoming decision on Friday as to their National Chairman will be a crucial indicator of where they are planning to go in the near future.

If the GOP follows the trend as it stands now, they will be in the wilderness for a long time, and although it is certainly unlikely, who can say that they will not become a disappearing party, to be replaced by a more viable alternative to the Democratic party.  With not one member of the GOP in the House backing the Obama budget bill in a moment of great economic crisis this evening, that could well be their swan song if they do not face reality.  Instead of playing politics and responding to Obama’s gesture of bipartisanship, the Republicans have shown a lack of leadership at a crucial moment!

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